Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: February 26. The...

Summary and Analysis Powell Welcomed with Threats Against the backdrop of the visit of Secretary of State Colin Powell, the Palestinian Authority renewed its demand that the United States take a greater role in Palestinian-Israeli talks...

What Palestinians Are Saying Online

During the past decade, Washington has repeatedly failed to gauge the extent of Palestinian anti-peace sentiments with devastating consequences. The July 2000 Camp David summit triggered the worst wave of Palestinian violence since 1948...

U.S. Ex-Officers Warn Of Decline In Israel Ties

WASHINGTON -- Scores of senior retired U.S. officers have warned of the decline in American strategic cooperation with Israel. Close to 50 generals and admirals have signed a letter that termed Israel a key element in...

PIPES: Islamists are worse than dictators Who is worse, President Mohammed Morsi, the elected Islamist seeking to apply Islamic law in Egypt, or former President Hosni Mubarak, the dictator ousted for trying to start a dynasty? More broadly, will a...

“The Lubavitcher Rebbe and Yitzhak Shamir” – interview conducted by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, excerpted...

CD Mr. Shamir, please tell a little about yourself and the your association with the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Where were you born and what year did you come to Israel? YS I came here in 1935...

A Dispassionate Analysis

This dispatch contains a series of mostly short notes concerning the reporting by Reuters, the AP, the Guardian, and others of attacks on Israelis in recent days. Contents: 1. Notes about Reuters "disgracefully misleading" coverage of...

Iran: The Time Has Come INSS Insight No. 158, January 25, 2010

Mission The Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) is an independent academic institute that studies key issues relating to Israel's national security and Middle East affairs. Through its mixture of researchers with backgrounds in academia,...

The Palestinian Textbook Fiasco For years, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been accused of inciting violence by promoting the delegitimization of Israel and its people and, in some cases, even outright anti-Semitism, in its education system. According to...

Institute for Contemporary Affairs, founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation Vol. 14, No. 8 March 23, 2014 Palestinian leaders are manipulating the history of geographic Palestine/Land of Israel. They have manufactured a curious claim, expressed recently by Saeb Erekat, the chief Palestinian negotiator, that they...

Jewish Symbolism: Saddam Executed On Day Babylon Laid Siege on Jerusalem

Moments before the rope was tightened around his neck, Saddam screamed out: "Long live Iraq and long live Palestine!" The execution of Saddam Hussein threw the Arab population throughout the land of Israel into a...