Is “Disengagement” The Answer?

That Jews need to be "disengaged" from the Arabs is not a new idea. In July 1937 the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: "An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two...

Parashas Masei 5774. Glad Not to Be Prime Minister Netanyahu; Miracles All Around Glad not to be Prime Minister Netanyahu I am convinced that Israel had no choice but to undertake a major ground operation into the Gaza Strip, and that the time has never been so propitious...

Consequences of a sovereign Palestinian Arab state

At a time when a Palestinian Arab sovereign state is so widely discussed, very few have taken the time to consider the consequences of establishing such an entity. Here are questions that every citizen...

A Proposal for Israel’s “National Defense Doctrine” – Without Judea, Samaria and the Golan

Ma'ariv published at the weekend a report about a team which is preparing Israel's new defense doctrine, which will soon be submitted to the prime minister for approval. According to this doctrine, retention of...

Is Spying For A Democratic Ally The Same As Spying For A Totalitarian Regime?

Imagine it is 1940, and Great Britain is fighting Hitler's Nazi Germany almost alone. Imagine further that an American who loved both America and England and hated the Nazis worked in American Intelligence and...

The Fate of Syria’s Chemical and Biological Weapons EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel has good reason to fear that Syria’s chemical and biological weapons arsenal could fall into the wrong hands - to terrorist elements within Syria, to an even more hostile Syrian regime,...

U.S. Mulls Unfreezing Iranian Assets The United States, breaking away from official nuclear talks, could unfreeze Iranian assets in exchange for Teheran's pledge to limit uranium enrichment, a report said. The Middle East Media and Research Institute asserted that President...

Official PA radio news – The P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 23

Summary and Analysis Minister of Information Yasser Abd-Rabbo led off the morning new show as the featured morning interviewee on VOP, underscoring a very pessimistic view of the state of the talks with Israel. Abd-Rabbo...

Tehran Takedown: How to Spark an Iranian Revolution The nuclear question is at the center of most countries' Iran policies. China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have all engaged in negotiations to convince Tehran to give up...


Israel has begun considering the ramifications of Arab allies building their militaries with Western arms and technology. The Israel Army General Staff has determined that Israel could be threatened by Western-equipped armies along its border....