Iran: The Regional Power behind the Hamas War Effort Vol. 14, No. 23 July 15, 2014 Iran is an arsonist, inflaming the conflicts in the Middle East. Since the 2012 “Pillar of Defense Operation,” Iran has heavily invested in improving the quantity and quality...

Saddam’s “Successor” Made Secret Visit to Israel

On Tuesday afternoon, in a dramatic interruption of the news, Al Jazeera broadcast a panicky item from Baghdad on the arrest of Ahmed Chalabi, president of the umbrella organization of Iraqi exiles. "Chalabi, the...

A deadlier strain of Al-Qaeda One of the obstacles in the fight against epidemic viruses is the evolution of newer, more virulent strains which emerge after medical science has begun to make progress in lessening the initial impact. These...

Abbas Expected to Push for Direct US Aid Following Congressional Setback

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, on his upcoming visit to Washington, is likely to raise with congressional leaders the recent US foreign aid package that forbade direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority. The legislation, which...

The Interview with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in the Guardian

Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has always wielded more clout than the size of his 280,000 strong flock would suggest, but now he has embarked on his most ambitious mission yet: to map out a...

Showdown on J Street: As J Street’s major conference approaches, some pointed questions for...

Lenny Ben-David worked for AIPAC until 1997. He later served as a diplomat
in Israel's embassy in Washington. Today, he is a public affairs consultant and blogs at

Update on Iraq: The US Suddenly Wakes Up?

An Israeli reader reported that at the Likud Central Committee meeting on the Wye accord, some members criticized the Gov't for relying on the US to enforce Palestinian compliance with the provisions on fighting...

Al-Qaeda Affiliate -” Jaish al-Islam”- Receives Formal Sanctuary in Hamas-Ruled Gaza Vol. 8, No. 7 Except for Fatah, the other Palestinian terror organizations in Gaza enjoy full freedom of movement under Hamas rule. Offshoots of al-Qaeda in Gaza include Jaish al-Islam (the Army of Islam), the...

Congressman Trent Franks: Iran an Immediate Threat to Our Troops

July 22, 2010 - Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02) released the following statement today following revelations by General Raymond Odierno, the United State's top commander in Iraq, that funding, supplies, and training for several insurgent...

Egypt Punishes the Palestinians The Palestinians often complain that Israel, the US and other countries keep intervening in their internal affairs. These complaints often draw much attention from the Western media and many in the international community. But when...