Criticisms of the U.S.-led Air Campaign against ISIS

The brief version: Keep an eye on the ball: the Iranian nuclear build-up is 1,000 times a greater threat than ISIS. Tehran should be left to deal with this problem, which threatens its allies in Damascus...

The Nakba Obsession: The Palestinian national narrative is the biggest obstacle to peace in...

A specter is haunting the prospective Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations-the specter of the Nakba. The literal meaning of the Arabic word is “disaster”; but in its current, expansive usage, it connotes a historical catastrophe inflicted...

The Untold Story of Josh Fattal The_Untold_Story_of_Josh_Fattal/ American hiker Josh Fattal (center) is greeted on Sept. 21, 2011 in Muscat, Oman, after Tehran released him and Shane Bauer on bail, months after handing them hefty jail terms. Getty Images By now, the whole world...

Responding to Editorial in Editor And Publisher Which Lambasted Israel for Bombing Beirut

As the bureau chief of a news agency that helps reporters cover both Israel and Lebanon, I am surprised that Greg Mitchell neglects to mention that the Hezbullah organization has stationed its troops in...

Obama Egypt Strategy Could Place US at Risk

The Obama administration continues to turn up the heat on Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, after two years of quietly monitoring human rights abuses by his regime and doing nothing. The rapid response of the White...

Has the Israeli human rights community abandoned human rights in favor of political expediency?

A commitment to human rights and civil liberties includes an inherent even if unwritten oath to uphold the principles of human dignity, regardless of any political or ethnic considerations. For example, in 1992, in the...

Why FDI opposes the Hagel nomination FDI opposes the nomination of Senator Chuck Hagel to become the next Secretary of Defense. For the past 17 years, FDI has championed the pro-freedom movement in Iran, and has argued that helping Iranians to...

Analysis of a new textbook of the Palestinian Authority

"NATIONAL EDUCATION FOR SIXTH GRADE" Published by the "Ministry of Education for the State of Palestine". presented September 2000. . Pages 8 - 9. A GEOGRAHIC MAP SHOWS WHAT IS CURRENTLY INTERNATIONALLY DESIGNATED AS ISRAEL...

Is Hamas Preparing to Inherit The Palestinian Authority?

There is growing evidence that Fatah, the Palestinian faction that today dominates the PLO, may not remain the power center of Palestinian politics in the post-Arafat era. Hamas is preparing itself to inherit the...

The US will not Break off Contact Yet it Defines it as a Terror...

US Response to PA Bush: We won't replace Arafat and we won't close PLO offices Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 4) by Shimon Shiffer -- The US does not plan to close the PLO offices in Washington and...