In loving Memory of Raoul Wallenberg

Friends around the world: From the Office of Mr. David Herman ( a British-Israelí writer, composer, musician, poet and novelist, and Intelligent Service Agent) has requested me to share with you the following transcript from...

Potemkin propaganda

From the Palestinians to Stalin to China, leftists still fall for the concealment of unspeakable crimes. (JNS / Jewish Journal) us last month tried to persuade Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton that China is not persecuting...

Brianna Barry

Overview Brianna Barry has promoted Holocaust revisionism, spread anti-Semitism and equated Israel with Nazi Germany. Barry also expressed support for Hamas terrorists and spread hatred of Zionists and Israel. Barry is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. As of June 2023, Barry’s LinkedIn profile said she was a “Data Scientist.” As of...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 7, 2023

Special update: Arab terror, this time in Binyamin

In an appeal to fairness, Jewish residents have asked friends to get updated and know the true story. This is just one in a long line of attacks against Jews, in an ongoing effort...

Verbal pollution

One of the blights plaguing humanity these days is the increasing pollution which is causing ecological damage to our oceans and poisoning the air we breathe. There are, unfortunately, additional forms of pollution that result...

Parents in California Are About to Lose Their Kids Under New Law

To transgender a boy, you must castrate him. Such an operation cannot be reverse The dangers of transgenderism are not yet perceived. Watch this short documentary to prepare for the eventuality of a California custom which...

Tomorrow, August 1, new book entitled “Nazis Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The...

Tomorrow, August 1, my new book entitled "Nazis Islamic Antisemitism and the Middle East: The 1948 Arab War against Israel and the Aftershocks of WW II" will be available. You can buy it at the...
Palestinians outside the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the Askar refugee camp, east of Nablus, on May 8, 2023. Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90.

The distorted ‘nakba’ narrative

Israeli Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli is an angry man. Chikli, who has a history of being outspoken, has lately turned his sights on the German government. He has complained about inappropriate comparisons between the...