The Palestinians and the Second Lebanese War

"The Palestinians cannot be blamed for the Israeli government's erroneous decision to initiate a cease fire as the campaign against the Qassams was beginning to succeed." "Egypt, a realist player par excellence, has turned a...

Commentary: Teddy Kollek, Rumors, and more

Teddy Kollek, whose name was synonymous with Jerusalem for over 25 years, died on Tuesday at 95; he was laid to rest today in the Mount Herzl cemetery. Jerusalem's mayor from 1965 to 1993,...


Since Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert now describes Palestinian Authority President and Fateh chairman Machmud Abbas as a "moderate". , This reporter then asked Olmert's press secretary if Israel would demand that Abbas disband the...

President Ford’s Legacy For Israel

As President Gerald Ford is laid to rest, veteran diplomats, pundits and politicians in Israel recalled a vitally important letter from the late US leader to the state of Israel. The letter, written on September...

Jewish Symbolism: Saddam Executed On Day Babylon Laid Siege on Jerusalem

Moments before the rope was tightened around his neck, Saddam screamed out: "Long live Iraq and long live Palestine!" The execution of Saddam Hussein threw the Arab population throughout the land of Israel into a...

Will the Kubbutzim of the Western Negev be Evacuated?

KIBBUTZ NIR-AM'S FOUNDERS ALSO CONSIDERING LEAVING Twenty-eight houses belonging to the generation of the country's founders and those who established Kibbutz Nir-Am were damaged by Kassam rocket fire during the cease-fire. The ten Kassam rockets...

Commentary: From the Bar Mitzvah of a Missle Orphan…

Solomon Yaakobov observed his bar mitzvah on Thursday at the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem. (A boy can be bar mitzvah on Shabbat, or Monday or Thursday -- all days when the Torah is read)....

Meeting Senator Senator Arlen Specter After his Visit to Syria

Sen. Arlen Specter met with The Bulletin at his Jerusalem hotel on Thursday morning, and used that occasion to convey a message from Syrian President Bashir Assad, with whom the senator had met with...

How Far Can You Run in 10 Seconds? First Hand Account of A Missile...

The Tseva Adom ("Color Red") siren went off at approximately 9:15 p.m. I took out a video camera, donned press credentials and ran outside. Three seconds later, there was an enormous explosion nearby. Running towards...

Israeli Officials: New Hamas Army Is Forming

Israeli Military Intelligence Branch warns that Hamas is establishing a mini-army in the Gaza Strip and that within a year Israel will face dangers and threats which Israel has not yet known. "Hamas is in...