Jordan’s Protests: Arab Spring Lite? Samuel Helfont is a Ph.D Candidate in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University and an Associate Scholar of the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He is the author of Yusuf al-Qaradawi: Islam and Modernity (2009)...

U.S. Government Delivers Ultimatum to Netanyahu

Substance of the Message: "The United States will publicly support the establishment of a Palestinian State, if Israel does not carry out the stages which it agreed to in the Oslo Agreement". The Prime...

Competing World Views Tear A “Peace Process” to Pieces

The U.S. announcement inviting Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) for direct talks shows quite clearly, though unintentionally, why the talks will fail. Special Envoy George Mitchell explains: "We are all well aware that there remains...

Palestinians Deny Killing Jewish Infant in Hebron

Excerpts From Jordan Times: Palestinians deny killing Jewish infant * Israel Journalists ejected from Arab summit * Arab League ineffective and bankrupt. Headlines: "Israel blockades Hebron to punish Palestinians after death of baby." Quote from Text: "Palestinian cabinet minister...

French Citizen Detained for ‘Spying’ on Jewish Community A French citizen was detained this afternoon for questioning (Wednesday) by civilian security guards on allegations of spying on Yitzhar residents in their homes. The unnamed man, who is suspected of taking unwanted photographs...

Middle Eastern Upheavals Enter Round Two The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: "With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab...

Do UNRWA Schools Foster Violence?

BEACH CAMP, Gaza Strip - The tall, whitewashed wall that surrounds the food distribution center of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency here is decorated with murals of exploding Israeli boats and burning...

The Powerlessness Excuse: Debunking the Claim that Obama Could Not Have Affected the “Arab...“arab-spring”-and-islamist-takeovers/ One argument we will be increasingly hearing is that President Barack Obama couldn’t have done anything to change events in the Middle East. This is ironic of course because when things were going well...

Brinkmanship on a Lame Duck Plantation

I spent the good part of a week covering the middle east talks at the Wye Plantation, on the Eastern shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, USA, in an area that is best...

Haaretz: The Paper for Thinking People? Of the countless threats of Arab violence in the run-up to the November 29, 1947 Partition Resolution and in its wake, none has resonated more widely than the warning by Abdul Rahman Azzam, the...