Historical Approach to the Issue of Legality of Jewish Settlement Activity

... The Jewish right of settlement in the West Bank is conferred by the same provisions of the Mandate under which Jews settled in Haifa, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem before the State of Israel...

Thirty Years After Jerusalem is United Under Israel’s Rule, Servicing Jerusalem’s Arab Minority Comes...

June 1997 marked thirty years since the momentous six day war thrust Israel in control of both parts of the city of Jerusalem. That war followed a period of nineteen years, during which no Jew...

Majlis Shura al-Mujahidin: Between Israel and Hamas

http://www.meforum.org/3500/majlis-shura-al-mujahidin-gaza In recent weeks and months there has been a cacophony of Salafi protest that has swept Gaza against the ruling Hamas government related to treatment of prisoners, corruption, and ability to practice Islam as...

Syria, Lebanon Trying to Stymie UN Help in Israeli Pullout

Lebanon and Syria are trying to stymie United Nations cooperation for an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Lebanon and Syria have set tough terms for an expanded UN peacekeeping presence in Lebanon in the wake...

Why does UNRWA exist?

(This article appeared as an oped in the Jerusalem Post of October 28th, 2005) As the United Nations celebrated its 60th anniversary this fall with a dramatic World Summit, supposedly sweeping reform proposals sought to...

The Disengagement Plan’s Ten Questionable Premises

1. "The successful withdrawal from Southern Lebanon is a precedent for everything that will take place in Gaza and Northern Samaria after the withdrawal from these areas". Deputy prime minister, Minister Ehud Olmert, said in...

Can The Fatah Option Work in Gaza

Israel's three-week military operation in Gaza in December-January has raised the issue of the possible return of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah party to Gaza to replace the Hamas regime. The...

Are Israel’s Settlements Legal?

Assuming the Middle East conference actually does take place, its official task will be to achieve peace between Israel and its Levantine neighbors in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338. Resolution 242,...

Dr. Yossi Beillin: Israel’s Shadow Foreign Minister? To Whom is Beillin Beholden?

On June 2, 2002, Dr. Yossi Beillin called a rally to launched his new movement - "Shachar", which will undoubtedly represent a continuation of Beillin's activities in the ECF - the Economic Cooperation Foundation. ECF...

From Welfare to Warfare

http://www.meforum.org/4766/from-welfare-to-warfare As Operation Protective Edge enters its third week, we have now seen four incidents in the latest round of fighting between Israel and Hamas that have focused attention on UNRWA (United Nations Relief and...