July 1, 2010 Tally Helfont is an FPRI research fellow. Her research focuses on Middle East-related issues and radical Islamic movements. She also instructs training courses on behalf of K3 Enterprises in Civil Information Management to U.S. Military Civil...

PLO State to Include at Least All West Bank and Gaza

When permanent status negotiations begin, borders of the state of Palestine, including Jerusalem and all other territories occupied in 1967, will be determined by the terms of reference of the Oslo Agreement. the "peace of...

Kerry Un-Spins Jewish Leaders Secretary of State John Kerry met with a group of key Jewish leaders this past week, and was accompanied by the administration's all-star team on "peace process" matters: Martin Indyk, Susan Rice, and Ben...

Will Egypt Go Nuclear? EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Though Egypt does not currently have a nuclear energy program, that reality could soon change. Newly elected President Mohammed Mursi made clear that Egypt wishes to create a civilian nuclear energy program....

Analysis: The UN Human Rights Council

This story involves the UN Human Rights Council, The Council, you must understand, is not a two-bit operation. It has sizeable headquarters in Geneva: ~~~~~~~~~~ Reversing the policy of his predecessor, George Bush, who shunned the Council,...

Questioning Twenty Premises of an Official Publication of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On April 20th, 2005, The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs distributed a multicolored, glossy brochure entitled "Israel's Disengagement Plan: Renewing the Peace Process". The brochure intermingles the philosophy of unilateral disengagement with superlatives about...

PA and Other Arab Reactions to the Gaza Crisis The most striking aspect of ongoing Arab reactions to the latest Hamas-Israeli clashes is an act of omission: the Palestinian Authority (PA) and President Mahmoud Abbas are not calling for Hamas to stop firing...

An Israeli Watershed: Strike on Syria

Summer 2008, pp. 57-62 On the morning of September 6, 2007, Israel Air Force (IAF) planes penetrated deep into Syrian airspace and attacked a nuclear facility near the town of Dayr al-Zur in the northeastern...

Incisive Analysis

Posting: December 23, 2007 "Fatah" In case there was even the slightest doubt in anyone's mind -- in case anyone might have wondered if maybe, just maybe, Fatah was moderating -- allow me to provide this...

Syrian refugee crisis brings Israelis and Arabs together in Miami Beach Alan Gill, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, speaks about “The Syrian Refugee Crisis," part of the Jewish Funders Network Annual Conference, held at the Eden Roc, Monday, March 10, 2014. WALTER MICHOT / MIAMI...