Canada, The Middle East Peace Process, UNRWA and “Right of Return”

Canada plays a unique and almost unreported crucial role in the Middle East Peace Process - holding the gavel of the RWG, the "refugee working group", which oversees the work of UNRWA, the United...

King Hussein: A Security Asset – But No Friend

King Hussein of Jordan will go down in history as a security asset to the US, Great Britain, and, in his final years, to the state of Israel. That does not mean that King Hussein...

The PA and the UN allow Hamas to facilitate a TV Station in in...

Almost every media outlet covered the Palestinian elections this week in terms of the rivalry between the Hamas Islamic terror organization and the Fateh, which is also defined by Israeli and American law as...

A Dispassionate View of The Sharon Plan: From Disengagement to Retreat

The Sharon Plan will be voted on in an unprecedented referendum which will take place among the 200,00 members of the Likud Party in Israel this coming Sunday. This is not just an internal party...

Assessment: Gaining Perspective on the Larger Picture in Jerusalem.

As events in the Middle East unfold, it is hard to gain perspective on the larger picture of what is developing. After forty years of Israel and twenty five consecutive years of full time...

A Bigger Battle may be Brewing,Israel Fears: The Palestinians are Amassing an Arsenal

NABLUS, West Bank - The Palestinian fighter ran a finger approvingly over the cold metal of the assault rifle, embossed with the seal of the Israeli army. He squinted at the lettering in Hebrew,...

Palestine: the Real Apartheid State In the Making

"Palestine"is an apartheid state in the making. "Israel Apartheid" Week is the time to publicize that fact. During Israel Apartheid Week, orchestrated on campuses around the globe, the time has come to put the shoe on...

Hamas Conference on the Grounds of an UNRWA school

Source: Hamas website, On July 6th 2001 the Hamas movement convened a conference in a school in the UNRWA Jabalya refugee camp (in Gaza) with the participation of the Palestinian Legislative Council, the school's...

Letter to the World from a reporter in Jerusalem, June 1967

The Westinghouse Radio correspondent in Israel in 1967 - the first foreign correspondent to report Israel's capture of the Temple Mount during the 1967 war, when he was stationed on the roof of the...

Arafat’s “Kleptocracy” Revisted

Imagine former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay, who plundered his company's assets before its demise, pleading poverty and then asking world leaders and financial institutions to help support the jobless employees and destitute pensioners of...