A Bigger Battle may be Brewing,Israel Fears: The Palestinians are Amassing an Arsenal

NABLUS, West Bank - The Palestinian fighter ran a finger approvingly over the cold metal of the assault rifle, embossed with the seal of the Israeli army. He squinted at the lettering in Hebrew,...

The Jordan Valley is the answer

http://www.israelhayom.com/site/newsletter_opinion.php?id=6897 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting our region again. Borders are a core issue and the main component of any framework deal between us and the Palestinians, and Kerry knows that Israel...

The Bush Visit in Context

Glad to see him go, won't be eager to have him come back. But there are a few observations to be made regarding his final statements once he left Ramallah and returned here to...

Mahmoud Abbas can’t meet Israel’s basic requirement for peace

At an Independence Day reception for foreign diplomats, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Israel’s desire for peace with the Palestinians. “Peace will be based on the principle of two states for two peoples,”...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: February 27, 2008 "More?!" Over 40 Kassams were launched from Gaza today. Hamas has claimed credit for this barrage. One rocket hit in Sderot near Sapir College, killing student Ronnie Yechiya, who was the father of...

The Palestinian Broadcasting Media: A Survey Report

General Summary On the eve of PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas's planned visit to Washington, the broadcast media of the Palestinian Authority (PA) maintained a generally tough anti-Israeli and sometimes even anti- American posture, regarding talks...

Impact of Israel’s “Disengagement” on U.S. Interests

1. Congressional oversight requires an examination (hearing) of the impact of Israel's "disengagement" (retreat) from terrorist strongholds in Gaza and Samaria on US interests in general and on the safety of US GIs in...

Israel’s Settlers Are Here to Stay

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/26/opinion/israels-settlers-are-here-to-stay.html?_r=4 WHATEVER word you use to describe Israel’s 1967 acquisition of Judea and Samaria - commonly referred to as the West Bank in these pages - will not change the historical facts. Arabs called for...

End Result of Israel-PA Talks Reached 8 Years Ago: Israel’s Secret Retreat Map

http://www.israelnationalnews.com/Articles/Article.aspx/14055#.UndysXBmiSo There is a code of silence about what is being discussed in current Israeli Palestinian negotiations. However, possible disastrous results of those talks were reached almost nine years ago. In March, 2005, Yuli Edelstein, then...