The UNRWA Dilemma The Palestinian people, according to a recent study by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, have received per capita, adjusted for inflation, 25 times more aid than did Europeans to rebuild war-torn Western Europe under...

A Dispassionate View of The Sharon Plan: From Disengagement to Retreat

The Sharon Plan will be voted on in an unprecedented referendum which will take place among the 200,00 members of the Likud Party in Israel this coming Sunday. This is not just an internal party...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. V.O.P. (Voice of Palestine) Radio: Saunday Afternoon February...

Israel Election Preview on V.O.P. On Monday night and Tuesday morning, V.O.P. ushered in the Israeli elections-with a sharp escalation of anti-Sharon rhetoric and emphasis on a military escalation in the Gaza Strip alongside the...

U.S. Pledges $470 Million for Palestinian Refugee Relief

United Nations -- The United States is donating $70 million to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) for its 1998 programs, according to an announcement made...


Israel has targeted Islamic charities... in an effort to block financing to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Officials said the intelligence community has been identifying and tracking Islamic charities, known as Dawa, in the West Bank...

Mordechai Kedar -A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of... The Center for the Study of the Middle East and Islam (under formation) Bar-Ilan University Middle Eastern Insights No. 13, 2 December, 2011 Who Kills the Syrians? A Globalized Network of Considerations Enables the on-going Butchering of Thousands of...

UNRWA is a millstone around Gaza’s neck

Ever since Hamas took over the Gaza Strip, the economy there has been based on two main "export" industries: humanitarian aid and providing terrorism services. In order to continue financing its activity, Hamas needs...

Lawrence Solomon: The UN’s phoney refugees In the up-is-down bizarro world of UNRWA, the number of refugees only grows and grows RIDDLE: You’re an American citizen, born and raised in the U.S., who has never set foot outside your country. You...

Syrian refugee crisis brings Israelis and Arabs together in Miami Beach Alan Gill, American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, speaks about “The Syrian Refugee Crisis," part of the Jewish Funders Network Annual Conference, held at the Eden Roc, Monday, March 10, 2014. WALTER MICHOT / MIAMI...

“Who will win the war, will Israel be able to win”?

An Outline of what the BESA speakers had to say: Mordechai Keidar- BESA: The conflict began 1350 years ago when Islam was sub-divided into Sunni and Shi'a. Hezbollah is part of the Shi'a sect. The name...