Palestinian Arab Refugees as “Peripheral” to the Peace Process

A commonly held assumption is that the entire matter of Palestinian Arab refugees is "peripheral" to the progress of the peace process. This view is shared on all sides of the Israeli political spectrum...

A Dispassionate View of The Sharon Plan: From Disengagement to Retreat

The Sharon Plan will be voted on in an unprecedented referendum which will take place among the 200,00 members of the Likud Party in Israel this coming Sunday. This is not just an internal party...

Rival Clans Vying for Power in Jordan The recent violence at two universities in Southern Jordan, Mu'tah University and Al Hussein bin Talal, along with clashes taking place off campus, may in fact be a sign that much worse is about...

Annapolis Summit: Plans Are On, Gaps Remain

The die is cast. The Annapolis summit is on. On Monday, the Israeli Ministry of Finance received Knesset Finance Committee Approval for a $1.5 million budget to cover the Israeli government costs of expenses pertaining...

Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...


Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, has put out his weekly commentary. He calls it "Wake up call: Dumbo crashes in Gaza." The message, people think elephants can fly, but guess what? They can't. As...

Israel Trains For Hizbullah War

The Israeli Army has been training for a war with the Iranian-sponsored Hizbullah. Israeli Military sources said the army has intensified training for a war with Hizbullah over the next few months. They said exercises...

Hamas Becomes Directly Involved In Attacks

Israel has determined that the Hamas regime was directly involved in attacks against the Jewish state. A report by a government-sponsored intelligence center asserted that the Hamas regime has raised its profile in the latest...

Aboriginal Rights of the Jewish People

A discussion about a moral and legal requirement to peacefully reconcile the subsequent rights of the newly-emerged Palestinian People with the prior rights of the ancient Jewish People. IntroductionDenying or minimizing Jewish rights is an...

A WaPo reporter’s anti-Israeli approach: from Sderot to Jakarta

When Washington Post reporter Scott Wilson did a stint as the paper's Jerusalem correspondent, he earned a well-deserved and well-documented reputation for anti-Israel bias, shading and spinning his copy to portray Israel in the...