The Two State Delusion IV: Oslo’s Bloody Aftermath

In 1993, the Oslo Accords were signed by Arafat of the P.L.O. and Prime Minister Rabin of Israel at the White House, supposedly to allow for the development and growth of mutual trust and...

Two states, ‘secure borders’ and the tooth fairy Photo: Yehoar Gal If a Palestinian state is established, it will be armed to the teeth. Within it there will be bases of the most extreme terrorist forces, who will be equipped with anti-tank and...

The Arab League and peace, after 68 years The disconnect between the past and the present in the Middle East is growing fast. Consider the anachronism called the Arab League. In December, after an "emergency meeting" called by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, Arab...

A Review of:”The Oslo War: A Tale of Self-Delusion” by Dr Efraim Karsh

BESA BULLETIN,October 2003, No.16 Quote from Text: "Peres: 'We close our eyes. We don't criticize because, for peace, we must produce a partnere.' " Full Text: The ongoing Palestinian war of terror is a direct and inevitable consequence...

I Want the United States to Pursue the Murderers of My Son, Yaakov

I want the United States to pursue the murderers of my son, Yaakov Natan Mandell. He was a United States citizen and needs to be protected by United States law which offers a 5...

Mordechai Kedar: The Arab World on the Precipice Although I do not generally do so, I will open with an Arabic joke, because in the Arab world (and perhaps in other places as well) people often use humor to speak the truth...

How to Defeat Hezbullah: Hold Syria Accountable

This war is unique in the history of Israel's wars. Contrary to other wars, the enemy on the other side of the border is not a state, it is an organization. Governments throughout the world, with...

Al-Ahram Weekly

Making Anti-Terrorism Global by Jailan Halawi Heading "Egypt's interior minister El-Adli seized the occasion of the Arab interior ministers' meeting in Amman to renew Egypt's call for an international conference on terrorism. The meeting, resolving to escalate...

Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish Israeli Arab Islamic Movement

IMRA interviewed Sheikh Abdulleh Nimer Darwish, leader of the Israeli Arab Islamic Movement, in Hebrew, on October 24th. The entire interview follows: IMRA: You made headlines with the story that Sheik Yassin was ready for...

How Benzion Netanyahu Helped Put in the U.N. Charter A Clause That Could Yet... Benzion Netanyahu, who died Monday in Jerusalem at the age of 102, has been widely scrutinzed this week for his myriad contributions to the history of Zionism in Israel and the United States. Yet...