Arafat From Defender to Dictator. Part one of book summary

Arafat: From Defender to Dictator by Said Aburish Bloomsbury Publishers, London, 1998 Born August 24, 1929 in Cairo. Named Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al Qudua Al Husseini.(Muhammed Abdel Rahman-first name, Abdel Raouf - father's name,...

Update on Iraq: The US Suddenly Wakes Up?

An Israeli reader reported that at the Likud Central Committee meeting on the Wye accord, some members criticized the Gov't for relying on the US to enforce Palestinian compliance with the provisions on fighting...

Official PA radio news – P.B.C. VOP (Voice of Palestine) Radio: January 30

Summary and Analysis In its Tuesday morning news broadcasts, VOP opened with news of a new Palestinian martyr, while reiterating news of the killing last night of an "Israeli settler," and VOP summed up the...

Why Israel is a rogue state [Gabriel Latner]

In October there was a debate in Cambridge; the proposition - "Israel is a rogue state". Gabriel Latner was the Cambridge University law student who was assigned by the Cambridge Union debating society to...

Incisive News Diary

Posting: August 25, 2008 "Words, Words" What shall we call it? A lot of hot air? Declarations "signifying nothing"? Barak said that Labor would resign the coalition if the budget were unsatisfactory. Shas ministers said they'd leave...

Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright

As released by the Office of the Spokesman U.S. Department of State Secretary Albright: Well, good afternoon everybody. Before departing for the Gulf, I want to set my meetings with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Chairman...

Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism: Mainstream Not Renegade

1. Hate-Education-Driven-Terrorism. The July 2, 2008 Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism constituted a precise Palestinian human-missile, guided by Palestinian hate-education, instituted in 1994 by Abu-Mazen, then Arafat's first deputy, and proliferated via Abu Mazen's current educational-religious-media infrastructures....