Iran’s Arms Supply to Hizbullah: International Dimensions In an exceptional political signal, a senior Israeli official contacted Mark Landler of the New York Times and explained that the Israeli government was determined to continue to prevent the transfer of advanced weapons...

Hamas Website Reports That The Hamas Has Postioned Their Rockets in Judea and Samaria

June 28, 2005 An article published on the Hamas website reflects the movement's efforts to extend its Qassam rocket manufacturing capabilities to the West Bank. The writer of the article predicts that the Qassam rockets...

Definitive Change in War’s Purpose: “weaken the hizbullah” – not to “defeat the Hizbullah”

Top officers from Israel's High Command met on Monday afternoon, August 14th at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalem for an official briefing about the war in Lebanon. Israel's top military brass told...

Israel’s New Neighbor Egypt: Radical Nationalist President; Islamist-Dominated Parliament

By Barry Rubin May 11, 2011 gloria/2011/05/egypt-radical- nationalist-president Amr Moussa, probably Egypt's next president, has given a comprehensive picture of his views, a foretaste of the likely policies of someone about to become the Arab world's...

Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel? There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...

Nasrallah’s Decline

The war in Syria will bring an end to the career of two prominent leaders in the Middle East. The first, that of President Bashar Assad, will end quickly, maybe even by sword or...

When Sunni and Shiite Extremists Make War In his article "The Muslim Civil War," Bret Stephens of the Wall Street Journal disagrees with my argument about Syria. He characterizes the position I hold this way: If al Qaeda fighters want to murder...

Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense

Content preview: Observation: Efficacy of Lebanon Deal Question For Lawyers Not Defense Experts Dr. Aaron Lerner 11 October 2022 The efficacy of the Lebanon deal, in particular the status of the swath of area off our...

Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire

========================== Full text of UNSC draft resolution on Mideast cease-fire Associated Press, THE JERUSALEM POST August 5, 2006 Text of draft Security Council resolution to end fighting between Israel and Hezbollah: The Security Council, PP1. Recalling all...