Israel Redefines Victory in the New Middle East Israel is redefining its concept of military victory in a Middle East dominated by terrorist organizations turned quasi-state actors. Once, decisive, unmistakable victories, accompanied by conquests of territory that had been used to stage attacks...

The Useful Myth that Obama Now Likes Israel Reality, especially in 2012, is very hard to face. So many hopes dashed; so many bad things happening. So people can be forgiven for taking refuge in wishful thinking. Sometimes, not telling the truth...

The Useful Myth that Obama Now Likes Israel Reality, especially in 2012, is very hard to face. So many hopes dashed; so many bad things happening. So people can be forgiven for taking refuge in wishful thinking. Sometimes, not telling the truth...

Hizbollah doubles down as its allies in Syria collapse In a speech last Sunday, Hizbollah's secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, affirmed that the rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar Al Assad could not defeat him. "The situation in Syria is getting more complicated,"...

Hizbollah doubles down as its allies in Syria collapse In a speech last Sunday, Hizbollah's secretary general, Hassan Nasrallah, affirmed that the rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar Al Assad could not defeat him. "The situation in Syria is getting more complicated,"...

The “Day After” Scenario in Syria Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...

The “Day After” Scenario in Syria Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...

Egypt Democratically Adopts an Anti-Western Dictatorship (Constitution Referendum) The victory in the referendum on the Constitution is the fourth straight Muslim Brotherhood success-including the overthrow of President Husni Mubarak’s regime with army assistance, the parliamentary election and the presidential election--in the process...

Israel at Peace Those concerned with the security and welfare of the Jewish state keep asking questions like "Is Israel Doomed? " and Will Israel Survive? (also in French, Israël peut-il survivre? ). One even titled a...

Reports: Blast at Suspected Hizbullah Weapons Depot in the South An explosion at a suspected Hizbullah munitions depot shook the outskirts of the southern town of Tairharfa at dawn Monday, causing material damage only, media reports said. According to the reports, the blast went of...