The New Israel and the Old

On May 12, 1948, Clark Clifford, the White House chief counsel, presented the case for U.S. recognition of the state of Israel to the divided cabinet of President Harry Truman. While a glowering George...

The Myth of Moderate Islam

Posted June 2008 Supporting moderation in all things Islamic may seem like a no-brainer, but woe betide the policymaker who tries to turn a plausible idea into a workable strategy Categorize this: Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi wants...

Palestinian Public Opinion Poll No (28): 75.8% Reconciliation impossible this generation even if Palestinians...

12 June 2008 These are the results of the latest poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip between 5 and 7 June...

Antisemitism Embedded in British Culture

Antisemitism has been present in Great Britain for almost a thousand years of recorded history. In the twelfth century, Catholic medieval Britain was a persecutory society, particularly when it came to Jews. It pioneered...

She’s not all pure: An Assessment of Tzippi Livni

While it is certainly time for Israel to once again have a woman prime minister - if only to make life uncomfortable for Shas and the other chauvinists around the cabinet table - this...

Why Israel Conquered The Golan Heights

The course of history can be changed by the determination of one man who stands up for what he believes in when he is listened to by people who are in a position of...

Incisive Commentary

Posting: June 6, 2008 "Shifting" The situation. Sometimes I see us simply going in the most frustrating circles, but now (very tentatively) I see a shift in some of what we're dealing with. We might start with...

A Diary of Newsworthy Insight

Posting: May 12, 2008 "Inspiration" Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, delivered a speech for Israel's 60th. It is so extraordinary that I must lead off with this today: "All of my life, Israel has been a...

Israel’s Predicament at 60

Two religiously-identified new states emerged from the shards of the British empire in the aftermath of World War II. Israel, of course, was one; the other was Pakistan. They make an interesting, if little-compared pair....

We Cease, They Fire: Anatomy of a Ceasefire Disaster

"Hamas could learn both positive and negative lessons from the last round of escalation. On the positive side, it succeeded in consistently and systematically launching rockets at Israel, extending the rockets' range to Ashkelon,...