UNRWA and Coalition of Muslim Relief Organizations Sign Cooperative Agreement for Work in Gaza

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=64802 The first stage is to work on the emergency response and to ensure families are fed, provided with clean water, and have access to essential healthcare. Once this is done, we will look to...

Commentary from Arlene Kushner

Posting: August 27, 2007 "Dose of Reality" Avi Dichter, Minister of Public Security, today said on Army Radio that Egypt's failure to stop the flow of weapons into Gaza is tantamount to support for Hamas. "Any rational...

UNRWA in its Present Form; Impediment to Peace in the Middle East

A Middle East peace process ensued 34 years ago, when Egyptian President Anwar Sadat made an unprecedented middle east peace effort, when he proclaimed a new policy of peace and reconciliation with Israel. Sadat...

Syrian nightmare for Israel

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4260723,00.html Intelligence information collected and analyzed by the CIA shows that Israel has many causes for concern about the day after Assad. It turns out that there is a fundamental gap between what the White...

Saudi Initiative – based on flooding Israel with Arab refugees from 1948 – along...

Saudi Initiative - based on flooding Israel with Arab refugees from 1948 - along with their descendents This week, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu praised the nation of Bahrain for endorsing the Saudi Peace Initiative, also...

The “Day After” Scenario in Syria

http://jcpa.org/article/the-day-after-scenario-in-syria/ Vol. 12, No. 30 18 December 2012 The moment of truth is approaching in Syria. Bashar Assad’s regime is fighting a rearguard battle and has already lost control over large parts of the country. Syria’s...

UN admits it misled Israel over tapes of MIA’s

On the third annoiversary of the kidnap murder of the three IDF soldiers from their patrol near Har Dov, it is important to remember the role played by the UN in the process. This...

Commentary: Terrifying Times…

These are difficult times; no, terrifying times. And so I find I must call upon my readers once and again to be activist -- to move beyond just reading what I write, and to...

Samir Kuntar Video Clip – Born To Murder

One of Israel's leading investigative reporters, Ronen Bergman, has gained access to a Hezbollah video clip, apparently taken with a cell phone camera, showing Samir Kuntar, the convicted murderer of an Israeli family who...

IDF presence in West Bank prevents the rockets that have terrorized Sderot and Ashkelon

From a hilltop on the outskirts of Kalkilya, the soldiers of the 55th Artillery Battalion can see the lights of Tel Aviv shimmer in the distance. It is a constant reminder to them of...