Israel has examined the prospect of developing long-range, precision-strike artillery that could destroy missile batteries in such countries as Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Syria. Officials said the Defense Ministry was considering proposals from defense...

Commentary: Gaza, Israel’s Military Position, and more

An initial report has been delivered on what happened in Gaza: apparently a malfunction in the radar of the artillery battery. Defense Secretary Peretz has now ordered a review of artillery fire procedures and...

Why will Prime Minister Olmert Not Promise to Provide All Possible Protection for An...

The prognosis is that Gaza missile attacks on the Western Negev will continue., and that they will only increase in their lethal ferocity - given confirmed news reports that Egypt has facilitated massive amount...

UN Determines that Report of Israel Using Depleted Uranium Munitions is False

Reports that Israel used depleted uranium (DU) munitions in the war in Lebanon this summer hold no water according to UN experts who found no evidence to support those claims. "The samples taken by the...

IDF: Hamas steps up production of Qassam rockets in Gaza Strip

Senior Israel Defense Forces officers believe that Hamas has managed to overcome the technological barrier that has so far prevented it from stockpiling a large number of Qassam rockets. According to the officers, the group...

Commentary: Fighting Defeatism, in the USA and in Israel

Last night a reader asked me for a repeat of the reasons why I think the US should stay in Iraq. I gave him not just a repeat, but an expansion of my original...

Commnetary: Reason to Be Concerned: What the Terrorists Themselves are Saying

You have been reading it in my postings, but don't take my word for it. Now read it from the the mouths of the terrorists themselves. Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily has the contacts that have...

Holding Ehud Barak Accountable for Hezbullah…

In reference to "Will Ehud Barak be Labor's new minister?", (Jerusalem Post, November 1st, 2006), the public should remind the investigation commissions that are currently examining the summer 2006 Hezbollah debacle with the fact...

Commentary: Terrifying Times…

These are difficult times; no, terrifying times. And so I find I must call upon my readers once and again to be activist -- to move beyond just reading what I write, and to...

The Democrats’ Jimmy Carter Conundrum

"For 58 years and counting, Democrats stand with Israel." So trumpeted the Democratic National Committee, in an obvious bid for Jewish votes in the coming midterm elections, in an ad that recently appeared in...