Definitive Change in War’s Purpose: “weaken the hizbullah” – not to “defeat the Hizbullah”

Top officers from Israel's High Command met on Monday afternoon, August 14th at the Beit Agron International Press Center in Jerusalem for an official briefing about the war in Lebanon. Israel's top military brass told...

On the First Day of Cease Fire?

We are ending the first day of the ceasefire in Lebanon. Here in Israel we really didn't expect it to hold even this long -- didn't expect Hezbollah to hold fire for more than and...

Media Sidelining Israel’s Human Suffering?

Heavy smoke rose from the rocket stricken city of Haifa on Sunday afternoon, following intense bombardment by Hizbullah's long-range missiles, but much of the international media turned a blind eye to the scenes, omitting...

Towards a Ceasefire?

As I write, the ceasefire mandated by the Security Council is ostensibly less than 12 hours away. However... the Lebanese cabinet has indefinitely postponed a meeting that was supposed to be held today to...

What is “Disproportionate”?

"It must surely be true that the level of lies and hypocrisy that a society can tolerate is in direct proportion to the degeneration of that culture. Personally I am not particularly pro or...

UN Resolution 1701: Analysis

The essence: A ceasefire is called for that requires Hezbollah to cease all hostilities and Israel to cease offensive attacks. The Lebanese army is to send 15,000 troops into southern Lebanon; the Lebanese are to...

UN Security Council Resolution 1701: Dr. Aaron Lerner: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs Obfuscates...

Behind the Headlines: UN Security Council Resolution 1701 Information Department, Israel Foreign Ministry - Jerusalem Website: E-mail: Jerusalem, 12 August 2006 UN Security Council Resolution 1701, adopted on 11 August 2006, contains the...

Why we should be Optimistic

By the time of this article is published, Israel will have been engaged in hot war with the Hezbollah and Lebanon for nearly a month. The media have been covering the military story from...

Israeli Army Reservists Commission Poll: Should the IDF bomb from the air before a...

In the midst of the tough battles, some Israeli Army reservists fighting on the front decided to commission a public opinion poll on the IDF's activity in southern Lebanon. In wake of the IDF's many...

Israel Slows Its Military’s Advance In Lebanon

The government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has blocked Israel's military from conducting a ground war in Lebanon Officials as well as several Cabinet ministers have acknowledged that Olmert and his allies prevented the General...