Prepare the Flack Jackets

I turn your attention to the statement Ariel Sharon made to Shimon Shiffer in the Rosh Hashanah edition of Yediot Ahronot: "I will take," he promised, "a giant step towards peace." A giant step? If...

Hamad Research Center: Moving the Armed Struggle to Judea and Samaria

The Al-Mustaqbal research center, which is affiliated with Hamas, recently published a study on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new era after the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern...

The State of the Communities of Gush Katif and Northern Gaza

Method of Research Key people (heads of community secretariats, spokespeople and community workers) were interviewed from almost every community in Gush Katif or northern Gaza to obtain this information. General assessments were cross-referenced with a...

Does Disengagement Mean a Future of Terror? – An Assessment with General Amidror and...

Over the past several months, Voices Magazine has quoted experts and facts from finance, ecology, security and real estate to varied authorities in many fields that have warned of the dangers of the "Disengagement"...

Palestinian Authority Brings Hamas into Power in Gaza – despite Israeli legal constraints against...

The Palestinian Authority, the PA, has been bringing the Hamas terrorist organization into positions of authority, to formalize the group's influence in the Gaza Strip. This, despite the fact that Sharon's government had added a...

Not Quite What We Are Led to Believe

Now that the residents of the Katif district of Gaza have been forcibly expelled from their homes, a picture - promoted by the Palestinian Authority and its supporters - is being painted in the...

Intelligence Premonitions of Disengagement

How can the Palestinians be prevented from copying the Kassam rocket fire from the Gaza Strip to Judea and Samaria? In other words-how can Israel put a stop to what the Palestinians consider the successful...

No assets for terrorists

At a time when debate rages throughout the world as to whether or not to support the "Disengagement Plan" of the government of Israel,the time has come to address a seminal decision of the...

Is “Disengagement” The Answer?

That Jews need to be "disengaged" from the Arabs is not a new idea. In July 1937 the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: "An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two...

An Award for Terror

Exit from Gaza will backfire U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice traveled to Israel last week to salvage Israel's planned pullout from Gaza. The pullout is threatened by violence from Palestinian Islamists and threats from...