Amnesty Researcher Admits That Palestinian ‘Eyewitnesses’ Often Lie Donatella Rovera, an Amnesty field investigator, wrote an interesting article about the challenges of fact finding in war situations. One of her main points is that eyewitnesses are often unreliable. For example: In Gaza, Lebanon, Libya,...

The Threat of the “Salafi Crescent

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: While Israel and the West are focused on the Iranian threat, another dangerous entity is emerging in the Middle East. Attempts by al-Qaeda and other radical Sunni Islamist groups to challenge the...

Arlene Kushner News Analyis from Jerusalem, Israel

Posting: August 17, 2007 "Duplicity, duplicity" News has broken that Olmert and Abbas have been meeting to work out a framework for the "core" issues of refugees, Jerusalem and borders before the conference proposed by Bush...

Olmert’s Hand Picked War Investigation Commission Issues Scathing Attack on Olmert

During the 34 days of Israel's war in Lebanon last summer, the Israeli Prime Minister's Cabinet Secretary conducted constant briefings with the media, repeating over and over the precise war aims of the Israeli...

U.S. Mulls Unfreezing Iranian Assets The United States, breaking away from official nuclear talks, could unfreeze Iranian assets in exchange for Teheran's pledge to limit uranium enrichment, a report said. The Middle East Media and Research Institute asserted that President...

Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism: Mainstream Not Renegade

1. Hate-Education-Driven-Terrorism. The July 2, 2008 Palestinian Tractor-Terrorism constituted a precise Palestinian human-missile, guided by Palestinian hate-education, instituted in 1994 by Abu-Mazen, then Arafat's first deputy, and proliferated via Abu Mazen's current educational-religious-media infrastructures....

Choose your enemy: Assad or Israel? There is no need to support either. When Israel attacks the Syrian regime, it does so because it aims to defend its security and interests. And the same goes for us when we were happy...

Abbas’ fictional state Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has heard about the latest videotape by al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri, in which Zawahri calls Abbas a "traitor who is selling out Palestine," and has gotten cold feet. But even...

Hagel – a Litmus Test of Obama’s Attitude to Israel’s_Attitude_to_Israel The possible nomination of former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense will represent a litmus test as to whether President Obama is poised to resume his anti-Israeli campaign, despite supporting Israel during...

Sending children to die on the front-line of battle. From Golda to Gaza

"We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children"- GOLDA MEIR, 1972 During my first year in Israel, 30 years ago, Golda Meir was the Prime Minister. I remember the affection that I...