Israel Upset By Reports of Bashing at Palestinian Refugee Conference

Israel expressed its disappointment on Monday over its exclusion from an international conference on Palestinian refugees and over reports that the conference was used as a platform for Israel-bashing. The two-day conference, held in Geneva,...

The Palestinian refugees — a reality check Western policymakers and media have misconstrued/misrepresented the Palestinian refugee issue, ignoring its global context and core data. Moreover, the Palestinian claim of dispossession -- which impacts the U.S. financial aid to UNRWA, and is...

Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? Neither: It is a Rational... The United States now estimates it will take one year for Iran to get nuclear weapons; Israel says some months. Is Iran a Lunatic State or a Rational Actor? It is neither; it is a...

Syrian nightmare for Israel,7340,L-4260723,00.html Intelligence information collected and analyzed by the CIA shows that Israel has many causes for concern about the day after Assad. It turns out that there is a fundamental gap between what the White...

Egypt Punishes the Palestinians The Palestinians often complain that Israel, the US and other countries keep intervening in their internal affairs. These complaints often draw much attention from the Western media and many in the international community. But when...

Commentary: The Anticipated Winograd Report

... Things are heating up here politically in anticipation of the interim report from the Winograd Commission (which is looking at our failures in the Lebanon war). Due in a matter of weeks, this...

Commentary: Double Talk As Policy?

Yuval Diskin, head of the Shin Bet, reported to the Cabinet yesterday that the smuggling of weapons from Egypt to Gaza is increasing. Egypt, I remind you, in case you have forgotten, has a...

Insight Behind the News in Israel

Posting: August 8, 2007 "Tisha B'Av" Immediately upon the close of Shabbat tomorrow night begins Tisha B'Av (the ninth of the month of Av), a day of Jewish national mourning because it is the day on...

Why will Prime Minister Olmert Not Promise to Provide All Possible Protection for An...

The prognosis is that Gaza missile attacks on the Western Negev will continue., and that they will only increase in their lethal ferocity - given confirmed news reports that Egypt has facilitated massive amount...

Insight into the News

Posting: September 28, 2008 "Rosh Hashana" Tomorrow night begins the Jewish New Year: Rosh Hashana. It is time of serious contemplation, acknowledgement of our failings, and efforts for improvement -- coupled with prayers to the Almighty...