We have your back

As Brutus and his allies plunged their knives into Julius Caesar, they all declared, “We have your back.” How apt and appropriate this cynical declaration of false support seems these days as so-called friends and...

Hungary Refuses To Pile On to Europe’s Anti-Israel Bandwagon

With even Prince William and rather less gently the British parliament turning up the volume of the global din over Gaza, the European Union has this week leveled an almost collective swing at Israel....

A REPORTER’S NOTEBOOK: In the land of war and hope

THE SHARDS OF the vessel that was shattered on Oct. 7 are scattered far and wide. They lie in cemeteries; their images look out at us from posters; others who are still breathing are...

Swings and roundabouts || The AlephBet Israel Blog

UNRWA has been unquestioningly exposed as covering up for and supporting the Hamas regime. Surely the organization has to be disbanded now? Netanyahu continues to project confidence that Israel will win the war, but...

Shameful Biden tries to reward Hamas terror with a Palestinian state

It’s amazing how long bad ideas take to die. That’s certainly the case with one of the least successful ideas in the world. The idea of the two-state solution in the Middle East. How do we...

What Israel needs if Middle East normalization is finally to happen

Credit: New York Post Policymakers envision an era of “normalization” after the current round of fighting in the Middle East concludes. That would sit well with Israel. After all, the icon of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, dreamed of a “normal”...

What a contrast

Argentina’s newly elected president’s recent visit to Israel was a politically refreshing breath of fresh air. Devoid of doublespeak, diplomatic mumbling and hectoring hyperbole, this head of state stood out for his uncompromising denunciation of...

Intelligence Reveals Details of U.N. Agency Staff’s Links to Oct. 7 Attack

At least 12 employees of the U.N.’s Palestinian refugee agency had connections to Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel and around 10% of all of its Gaza staff have ties to Islamist militant groups, according to...