Headquarters of the U.S. Department of State. Photo: wiki commons.

Controversial ‘New Israel Fund’ Received More Than $1 Million From US State Department

The controversial New Israel Fund and its social change and political lobbying organization – known as SHATIL – have received more than $1 million from the State Department under a program designed to create...
TWO-GUN HULDAI (right) and a ‘lei-d back’ Shimon Peres at the Purim party they co-hosted. . (photo credit:SALI BEN-ARIEH)

Grapevine: Riskin remembers marching with MLK Jr.

It’s always good to have people around who either participated in historical events, or who know people that did so and are willing to share the information. David Bedein, founder and director of the...

Palestinians: We Want Democratic Elections, Too

We really envy the Israelis. Our leaders don't want elections. They want to remain in office forever." — Veteran Palestinian journalist from Ramallah. The truth is that neither Fatah nor Hamas is interested in holding...

What’s a Palestinian?

Last week, on his return from a tour of the Holy Land, former Governor of Arkansas and Republican presidential nomination candidate Mike Huckabee said to The Washington Post that “there’s really no such thing...

Resisting the Iranian occupation

The Iranians know about resistance, or so they say. They know that any occupying force will be faced with resistance. They’ve supported “resistance forces” in the region for decades. Today, they’re on the other...

Iran’s project will reshape Lebanon

Recently, the former minister Wiam Wahab, in an interview on television, said something to the effect that he was saddened by the vacuum in the Lebanese presidency. He was saddened becauseLebanon might never have...

‘We need to recognize that Islamic State is positioned to make inroads elsewhere in...

General David Petraeus, former CIA chief, does not see much cause for optimism regarding a deal with Iran: 'We cannot allow them to be on the brink of having a nuclear weapon'; believes 'threat...

The Fatal Flaw in Obama’s Dealings With Iran

‘Extraordinarily reasonable,” President Obama called it in an interview aired on Sunday, referring to the multiparty deal being negotiated on Iran’s nuclear-weapons program. When the talks began, Mr. Obama said it was “unacceptable” for...

Iran’s Nuclear Fairy Tale

Parallel to its diplomatic engagement with the P5+1 to resolve the nuclear crisis, Iran is engaged in a public campaign to persuade the media and public opinion of its narrative regarding the crisis, which...

Iran’s Defiance: Flaunting a Cruise Missile with 2,500 Km. Range

On March 8, 2015, Iran unveiled the Soumar long-range ground-to-ground cruise missile, which has a range of 2,500 kilometers. In the coming year Iran intends to upgrade its long-range missile array. Iran adamantly opposes the...