Purim Paradoxes…writes Michael Kuttner

Jewish communities worldwide have this week been celebrating the Festival of Purim which commemorates the deliverance of Persian Jews from genocidal intentions. The stark relevance between then and today is so obvious that only those...

From the American Alamo to the Israeli Alamo: The Patriotic Battle Cry of Two...

When I grew up in Philadelphia in the fifties as a classic baby boomer, I was not alone with infatuation for the legend of “Davy Crockett at the Alamo,” made a legend by Walt...
Uranium-enriching centrifuges on display in Tehran (Caren Firouz/Reuters)

Dealing with a Bad Iranian Nuclear Agreement

The Obama administration and the rest of the P5+1 will likely agree soon on a limited-duration agreement with Iran that aims to provide around one year of warning time before any breakout to nuclear...

Will the arab world help Israel attack Iran…it sure seems that way

Reports: Saudis might help Israel attack Iran Amid the drama of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Washington, another element of a major story has been overlooked. Arab governments share Israel’s concerns about Iran’s nuclear...

Saudi Journalist: Netanyahu ‘Got it Right’ on Iran, Obama Must Listen!

Obama would rather ignore Netanyahu, but a prominent Saudi journalist says that Netanyahu is telling the truth and the American leader should heed his advice. Faisal Abbas, editor-in-chief of the prominent Saudi Al-Arabiya newspaper begs...

A Problem of Nuclear Proportions

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The proposed agreement with Iran is very bad. We should bear in mind that Iran’s leaders openly state that Israel must be destroyed, calling it a “one-bomb state.” But the truth is that...
Uranium-enriching centrifuges on display in Tehran (Caren Firouz/Reuters)

Danger Ahead for Obama on Iran

The perverse genius of Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides (and their Republican handmaidens) is that they have managed to turn a moment in which President Obama should have been busy defending his pursuit of...
U.S. President Barack Obama talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani during a phone call in the Oval Office, September 2013. (Pete Souza / Courtesy Reuters)

President Obama, listen to Netanyahu on Iran

It is extremely rare for any reasonable person to ever agree with anything Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says or does. However, one must admit, Bibi did get it right, at least when it came...
While Iran negotiates an agreement with the West on its nuclear program, it holds naval exercises near the Straits of Hormuz, sinking a mock-up of the USS Nimitz, an American aircraft carrier. (AFP Photo/Fars News/Hamed Jafarnejad)

A Bad Agreement with Iran Will Undermine Middle East Stability

The signing of an agreement that affords Iran a threshold capability to produce nuclear weapons will probably mean the continuation of Iran’s conquest of strategic locations in the Arab domain. Iran already holds sway...

The Struggle over the Iranian Nuclear Program

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: It is incumbent on Israel to use all the diplomatic and political tools at its disposal to halt the signing of an accord with Iran that leaves Teheran with the capability to produce...