Letter to Hendon MP – re BBC fail to use terminology TERRORIST

I wrote to you on the 24 May 2021(see attached) regarding the Dyson Report and the Balen  Report of 2004 in to the BBC’s deliberate manipulation of facts and asked what steps HM  government...

It’s time to take off the gloves

On the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War the enemies of Israel and the Jewish People chose another religious holyday to launch their version of the final solution. Like the Amalekites who attacked the vulnerable...

Worse than Nazism: It is Babi Yar All Over Again

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Hitler taught the Arabs how to slaughter Jews, yet it can surprise us that the Einsatzaruppen’s chapter in Gaza City could not find a 50-foot deep ravine to gun down the...

That was the week that was

While Simchat Torah is the time when the Jewish people start a new year, with the recitation of the Five Books of Moses once again from the beginning,  Never has a Jewish new year had...

Day 4: Iron Swords War

One of Israel's treasures is Doron Almog, who is decorated with many crowns. He is a recipient of the Israel Prize for Lifetime Achievement, a former major general in the Israel Defense Forces reserves,...

After the Horror, Israel Must Now Decide the Question of Taking Over Gaza

On the fourth day of the war, one can hope that some change is taking shape, stemming partly from a change in Israel’s approach. The shock and paralysis that took hold after the surprise...

Climate Change

One of the “hottest” topics gaining increasing attention these days is the phenomenon of climate change. Opinions vary as to whether it is man-made or, instead, a natural climatic cycle that has been repeated...

Dry bones prophecy in 1973 lasted 50 years

When the Yom Kippur War broke out on the holiest day of the year in 1973, pundit and cartoonist Yaakov Kirschen , known as DRY BONES, defining himself as a newly arrived secular Jew...

Chabad declares two state solution null and void

At the annual Chabad Lubavitch International Shluchim Conference in Brooklyn this week, Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky, head shaliach (emissary) to Tel Aviv, sharply denounced the two state solution and blamed the proposal to divide the Jewish...