Iran Is About to Conduct a Nuclear test

According to a terrifying story in the Jerusalem Post that cites numerous European security agencies, the Iranian terror regime may be perilously close to conducting a nuclear bomb test. Its biggest supporter appears to be...

5 Ways the U.S. Hostage Swap Will Strengthen the Islamic Republic of Iran

1. Emboldens the Regime While there’s much to celebrate about the release of Americans that were imprisoned in Iran, the United States unfreezing billions of dollars of Iran assets emboldens the regime to repeat their...

Boat trip aimed at saving Dead Sea also explores marvels revealed by its evaporation

As the owner of the second boat to sail the Dead Sea in the past 75 years, Noam Bedein knows its salty waters better than almost anyone. But lately, his excursions have led him...


Surprising as it may seem, this ancient form of afflicting the body is still practised among various groups these days. Roman Catholic devotees, especially in places like the Philippines and elsewhere, continue to indulge in...

Unveiling Saudi Arabia’s Dual Face: Peace Gesture or War Funding?

In a surprising turn of events, renowned Middle East journalist Tom Friedman, known for his Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage, brought attention to a potential Saudi peace initiative in March 2002. While this revelation raised hopes...

In loving Memory of Raoul Wallenberg

Friends around the world: From the Office of Mr. David Herman ( a British-Israelí writer, composer, musician, poet and novelist, and Intelligent Service Agent) has requested me to share with you the following transcript from...

Potemkin propaganda

From the Palestinians to Stalin to China, leftists still fall for the concealment of unspeakable crimes. (JNS / Jewish Journal) us last month tried to persuade Massachusetts congressman Seth Moulton that China is not persecuting...

Brianna Barry

Overview Brianna Barry has promoted Holocaust revisionism, spread anti-Semitism and equated Israel with Nazi Germany. Barry also expressed support for Hamas terrorists and spread hatred of Zionists and Israel. Barry is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement. As of June 2023, Barry’s LinkedIn profile said she was a “Data Scientist.” As of...

Behind the scene with David Bedein – August 7, 2023