Palestinians outside the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in the Askar refugee camp, east of Nablus, on May 8, 2023. Photo by Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90.

The distorted ‘nakba’ narrative

Israeli Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli is an angry man. Chikli, who has a history of being outspoken, has lately turned his sights on the German government. He has complained about inappropriate comparisons between the...

Israeli Policy Has Enabled and Encouraged Palestinian Violations of the Oslo Accords

Since the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has waged a campaign against Israel that has repeatedly, systematically, and intentionally violated its commitments under the Accords. The principal reason...
Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak addresses the Chatham House think tank in London, March 27, 2023. Source: YouTube.

How Arafat saved Israel from Ehud Barak

On June 19, the Israel State Archives released material showing that during Dec. 2000 negotiations, then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak was prepared to give up Israeli sovereignty over parts of the Old City of Jerusalem...

Islamic Jihad: We must use crisis in Israel for war against it

Dalit Halevi(A7) Nasser Abu Sharif, a member of the Islamic Jihad terror group’s political wing, has called on the Palestinian Arab groups to unite in a war against Israel. Abu Sharif stressed, “The Zionist entity is...


I am not sure what is actually causing the insanity currently being displayed internationally and domestically. Perhaps it is climate change that has addled the brains and common sense of so many or something in...

Palestinians’ Summer Camps To Kill Jews

For more than a decade, the Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas terror groups have been holding summer camps for thousands of schoolchildren throughout the Gaza Strip. These camps have served as a...

Behind the Scene with David Bedein – July 15 2023  

Urge California Legislative Jewish Caucus to Clarify Status of Ethnic Studies Bill and Help...

Despite “guardrail” amendments that were added to the California ethnic studies high school graduation requirement bill (AB 101) to ensure that required classes would not promote “bias, bigotry and discrimination,” since the bill’s passage in...