Followers of media coverage of the Middle East were treated with horrific misinformation when...

Followers of media coverage of the Middle East were treated with horrific misinformation when at least ten news agencies claimed that "Textbook incitement continues but U.S. support of UNRWA remains high". All of these...

Document at UNRWA site admits UNRWA’s definition of “refugee” is not valid in international...

The UN Human Rights Council issued a document last week by its reliably anti-Isrsel team of "experts" demanding that Palestinian "refugees" have the right to "return" under international law. Right of return of Palestinian refugees must be...

Getting the message

The definition of “getting the message” is to understand something that is not being said directly. Before and after the Shoah, Judeophobia reverted to a discreet mode at least in democratic countries. It took the...

Profiles of Four Jews killed in the June 20 Terrorist Shooting in...

On June 20, 2023, a terrorist attack occurred at a gas station in the city of El, located in the Binyamin region, resulting in the loss of our lives and leaving four others wounded....

Renewed US pressure on Israel : What everyone needs to know,

Renewed US pressure on Israel : What everyone needs to know, Journalist David Bedein Briefing at the OU Israel Center. June 20, 2023

Campus Battle Against Zionism by Pro-Palestinian Activists

Editorial Note After numerous accusations of antisemitism, some pro-Palestinian campus advocates became vocal in stressing that their critique was merely anti-Zionist. However, according to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the widely-accepted definition of antisemitism,...

Ambassador Tom Nides condemns murder of Jews by Martians?

Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Dr. Aaron Lerner 20 June 2023 "Ambassador Tom Nides @USAmbIsrael I condemn in the strongest terms the senseless murder of four innocent Israelis today - my heart is with their grieving family members." While Ambassador Nides...

Safeguarding the Truth about Karabakh

A couple of years ago, I accompanied former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara and a group of foreign journalists on a trip to the war-torn Karabakh region, seven months after the conclusion of the...

It’s not a laughing matter

Quite often, one is faced with a situation so absurd that laughter seems to be the only suitable response. On closer examination, however, it invariably turns out that the subject concerned is far more serious...