Reassessing Abbas

Even the security establishment now realizes that what we had during Yasser Arafat's time is repeating itself: the Palestinian Authority makes deals and surrenders to the most murderous of the terror organizations and proudly...

Americans Say Never Again

Never Again to indifference. Never Again to silence. Never Again to deportation. Dear Friend of Israel: The Sharon Government plans to deport close to 10,000 Jews from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron later this summer. Jewish lives are...

An Israeli government working against the interests of the Jewish People?

A colleague who researches anti-Semitism has recently objected to those who describe current Israeli government policies as reminiscent of anti-Semitic regimes of the past. The goal in writing about these issues is to inform,...

Official PA Me3ia: EU Monitoring Role Negotiated for Rafah

where "the head of the European Parliamentarian Delegation to the Geneva Initiative, Mr. Graham Watson, described the planned armed international force that the US, Canada, the EU, the Scandinavian countries, Japan and Australia...

Hamad Research Center: Moving the Armed Struggle to Judea and Samaria

The Al-Mustaqbal research center, which is affiliated with Hamas, recently published a study on the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the new era after the IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and northern...

IDF Moves Into Hebron With Orders To Fire On Jews

Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has deployed top counter-insurgency units to demolish a small Jewish neighborhood in Hebron known as "The Shalhevet Neighborhood". Israeli security sources said military and police commanders have been given...

Abbas Steers Clear Of Condemning Attack

Following Monday's Palestinian bombing in a Tel Aviv restaurant which resulted in the deaths of nine people, the media was rampant with the news of a "clear condemnation of the bombing from Palestinian Authority...

A Journalist Presents Another Perspective for Kadima USA to Consider

According to the position paper issued by Kadima USA, issued on June 5th, 2006, the "current situation in Israel demands physical separation". However, there is more that meets the eye, when it comes to Kadima. Concerning...

Inside Israel’s Air Offensive in Lebanon

Israel has launched its first major offensive in Lebanon since 2000. Israel Air Force F-15 and F-16 fighter-jets struck suspected Hizbullah strongholds in such cities as Beirut and Tyre as well as missile arsenals throughout...

The Mideast’s Munich

HISTORIANS will look back at this weekend's cease-fire agreement in Lebanon as a pivotal moment in the war on terror. It is pivotal in the same sense that the Munich agreement between Adolf Hitler...