Commentary: Bush’s Backbone is Not Broken

Word came out within the last few days (which most if not all of you have already seen) regarding the fact that President Bush is considering putting 30,000 to 50,000 more troops into Iraq,...

Words on the Nuclear Issue are Crucial

Statements made by heads of state on the nuclear issue have special importance because of the subject's critical nature. Accordingly, these statements are known as "declaratory policy," which indicates that these statements are significant...

FACTBOX-How rival Palestinian armed factions stack up

Here's how the Palestinian armed rivals stack up militarily: ABBAS'S PRESIDENTIAL GUARD With U.S. backing, Abbas's elite presidential guard has grown to at least 4,000 men, up from 2,500 members when Hamas took power in March. Last...

Letter supports charge Baker skirted sanctions: Businessman contends ex-secretary of state used middleman to...

An Israeli businessman who says he served as a broker in a multimillion-dollar Iraqi collection effort by the law firm of former Secretary of State James Baker has released a document to WND indicating...

Commentary: Can Religion Succeed Where Politics Has Failed? An Israeli Addresses a Global Peace...

Position Paper for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs a. Ultimately, religion defines identity among Jews and Arabs in the Middle East, and is the basic element upon which the Jewish attachment to the Land...

Commentary: On the Holocaust, Holocaust denial, Iran, and related issues…

This past week I attended a showing at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs of a documentary made in 1991 by the award-winning Dutch film maker Willy Lindwer on the Wansee Conference, which was...

Will Baker and Gates Leave Bush with a Defeatist Legacy?

As George W. Bush enters his final two years in office, he may be preparing a doctrine of defeatism authored by James Baker and Robert Gates that alienates allies and emboldens enemies. Three critical decisions...

“Politically correct” Holocaust Denial?

This week, the Israeli government issued vehement denunciations of the conference convened by the Iranian government in Teheran to promote the denial of the mass murder of the Jews in World War II, in...


Ben Caspit, journalist from the Maariv newspaper in Israel, holds documentation which Shows that the law office of former American secretary of state James Baker earned tens of millions of dollars from a deal...

Rabin¹s Legacy that Never Was

On the 4th of November 1995, Israel¹s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated at the end of a peace rally in Tel Aviv. Many Israelis, particularly those on the political left, believe that this...