Remembering Nachshon Wachsman, Nir Poraz and Rachel Our Matriach on my Bat Mitzvah

I chose for my Bat Mitzvah speech to talk about the names my parents gave me: Meira- Rachel and the connection between them. I was born 12 years ago, on Friday night, the 10th of...


Israel has begun to examine the prospect of cooler relations with the United States. Officials said the Israel Foreign Ministry has been drafting studies on the ramifications of the November 7 elections for Congress as...


Israel has determined that Iranian-financed weapons to the Palestinian Authority flow through a port in Egypt. Israeli officials said many of the weapons ordered by the Hamas-led PA and aligned insurgency groups stem from Sudan's...

Commnetary: Reason to Be Concerned: What the Terrorists Themselves are Saying

You have been reading it in my postings, but don't take my word for it. Now read it from the the mouths of the terrorists themselves. Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily has the contacts that have...

Holding Ehud Barak Accountable for Hezbullah…

In reference to "Will Ehud Barak be Labor's new minister?", (Jerusalem Post, November 1st, 2006), the public should remind the investigation commissions that are currently examining the summer 2006 Hezbollah debacle with the fact...

Commentary: Terrifying Times…

These are difficult times; no, terrifying times. And so I find I must call upon my readers once and again to be activist -- to move beyond just reading what I write, and to...

The Democrats’ Jimmy Carter Conundrum

"For 58 years and counting, Democrats stand with Israel." So trumpeted the Democratic National Committee, in an obvious bid for Jewish votes in the coming midterm elections, in an ad that recently appeared in...

Commnentary: An Alert…

This comes in the nature of an alert, focusing on two related issues of primary significance for the security of Israel, the US, and the western world. Those two issues are retaining a US presence...


The Iranian's president's latest outburst against Israel repeated all his usual genocide threats and Holocaust denial, with an innovative addition of denying the Bible: There were never Jews in the Land of Israel. Furthermore,...

Hamas-Fatah Agree on Avoiding Armed Clashes: Palestinian Factions Say Prisoners’ Exchange Deal Close

28/10/2006 One of the three Palestinian factions holding captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, in the Gaza Strip said on Saturday that it expected a solution to the crisis within days. Shalit was captured in a...