A Disaster Waiting to Happen – an exclusive report for J-Wire

http://www.jwire.com.au/news/a-disaster-waiting-to-happen-an-exclusive-report-for-j-wire/31507 A report prepared by the Israel Resource News Agency Director, David Bedein, dealing with the training and arming of Palestinian Arab Authority security forces, is about to be released imminently. This explosive expose of...

A Disaster Waiting to Happen – an exclusive report for J-Wire

http://www.jwire.com.au/news/a-disaster-waiting-to-happen-an-exclusive-report-for-j-wire/31507 A report prepared by the Israel Resource News Agency Director, David Bedein, dealing with the training and arming of Palestinian Arab Authority security forces, is about to be released imminently. This explosive expose of...

PLO insists Israel release all terrorists and freeze construction in eastern Jerusalem as precondition...

http://imra.org.il/story.php3?id=59925 PLO Calls on New Israeli Government to Start Serious Peace Process http://english.wafa.ps/index.php?action=detail&id=21584 RAMALLAH, January 30, 2013 (WAFA) - The Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization called on the new Israeli government that will be formed...

Higher Education & Tolerance as Promoted by our Intended “Peace” Partners”¦writes Michael Kuttner

http://www.jwire.com.au/featured-articles/higher-education-tolerance-as-promoted-by-our-intended-peace-partners-writes-michael-kuttner/32003 A vital prerequisite for any meaningful and durable peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbours is a sustained effort to eliminate hate and delegitimisation, refrain from revisionist versions of history and educate present...

A farewell to the Negev?

http://www.michaelfreund.org/12889/negev-beduin This past Sunday, the largest act of organized theft in the Jewish state's history took place. And the perpetrator was none other than the government of Israel. At its first session since last week's elections, the...


IN JANUARY 2010, the Qods Force-the elite unit of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)- decided that it and Hizballah, its primary terrorist proxy, would embark on a new campaign of violence targeting not...

Underwater Internet Cable Cutting: A Neglected Aspect of Cyber Warfare

http://besacenter.org/perspectives-papers/underwater-internet-cable-cutting-a-neglected-aspect-of-cyber-warfare/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=underwater-internet-cable-cutting-a-neglected-aspect-of-cyber-warfare EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Cyber warfare is the newest addition to the domain of war. Though attention is usually focused on software aspects of this new battlefield, a low-tech attack on the hardware infrastructure can be...

Who murdered Asher and Yonatan?

http://www.jpost.com/LandedPages/PrintArticle.aspx?id=310727 On April 2, the Israeli military court at Ofer Base convicted Wa’al al-Arja of murdering my son Asher and grandson Yonatan. The murders were committed on Friday, September 23, 2011. On that day, Arja,...

Iran Makes Headway In Fatah

http://www.menewsline.com Iran was said to have forged relationships with leading members of the Fatah movement. Officials said Iran and Hizbullah were seeking to coopt members of the Fatah leadership, particularly the Central Committee. They said the...

US Experts Forecast Military Aid Hikes for Israel

http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130617/DEFREG04/306170028/US-Experts-Forecast-Military-Aid-Hikes-Israel Despite sequestration and protracted fiscal constraints, Israel can expect an additional decade of sustained and possibly increased levels of security assistance once its current $30 billion, 10-year military aid package expires in 2018, former...