Hizbullah has acquired and deployed Chinese-origin cluster bombs. The New York-based Human Rights Watch asserted that Hizbullah acquired cluster munitions and fired them during the 34-day war with Israel, which ended on August 14. The...


Aaron Lerner, director of IMRA, has put out his weekly commentary. He calls it "Wake up call: Dumbo crashes in Gaza." The message, people think elephants can fly, but guess what? They can't. As...

Israel launches dialogue with the Saudis

ISRAEL, SAUDIS BEGIN DIALOGUE ON REGION The government of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has launched a dialogue with Saudi Arabia to ensure stability in the Middle East. Western diplomatic sources said Olmert, with the help...

France To Israel: Fly Over Lebanon And We’ll Shoot

Israel Defense Minister Amir Peretz reported to an Israeli Knesset committee that there is a new threat to Israeli jets operating in Lebanese airspace. Peretz said that the commanders of the French forces that deployed...

Congresswoman: Safeguard American aid to Abbas

The United States must provide safeguards to ensure American weapons and financial aid reportedly being given to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Force 17 personal security detail do not wind up in the possession...


This message was written in a character set other than your own. If it is not displayed correctly, click here to open it in a new window. October 17, 2006 Round and round we go, and...

Moral Imperative: Help Non Jews Who Are Loyal to the State of Israel

I write this piece as a religious Jew, as a journalist and as someone who worked for more than a decade as a social work professional in the Galilee. A recent discussion is now occurring...

To Condi; Who is Humiliating Whom?

On October 11, 2006 in a Keynote Address to the American Task Force on Palestine, Secretary Condoleezza Rice claimed that Palestinian Arabs feel "daily humiliation of occupation." Palestinians say they feel humiliated and harassed...

We need the guts to say no to Rice

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his successor Ehud Olmert justified unilateral disengagement on the grounds that we were obliged to take initiatives to break the impasse in the absence of a Palestinian peace partner. In...


Hamas has sought to expand Iranian aid to the Palestinian movement. Palestinian sources said Hamas leaders have been negotiating with Teheran to increase military and financial aid to the insurgency group. They said that senior Hamas...