Sec’y Rice Sanctions Terror Group which the State Department Designates as a Terror Organization

Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice has arrived in Israel and scheduled meetings with the Fatah, which operates the Al Aksa Martyrs Brigade, designated by the US State Dep't as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO)...

UNIFIL Spokesman Alexander Ivanko: Our Role is not to Disarm

IMRA interviewed UNIFIL Spokesman Alexander Ivanko, in English, on 4 October. IMRA: I had some questions about the UNIFIL press statement (see full text below). " In situations where the LAF are not in a position...

Our World: Tzipi Livni and us

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is an interesting case study in how a public image can trump professional competence in Israeli politics. Livni was brought into politics by then prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu in 1999. The...

Spokesman of U.N. Sec’y Gen’l: U.N. Will Not Honor Request To Disarm Hezbollah

For the past six weeks, since the United Nations Security Council facilitated a cease-fire on the Israeli-Lebanese border, there was one promise given by the U.N. - that it would implement a process to...

Commentary for Yom Kippur

October 1, 2006 As Yom Kippur approaches, and with it the time for deep reflection and turning to Heaven for forgiveness and redemption, I will provide here only a short posting. Deeply do I wish...

Commentary: Double Talk As Policy?

Yuval Diskin, head of the Shin Bet, reported to the Cabinet yesterday that the smuggling of weapons from Egypt to Gaza is increasing. Egypt, I remind you, in case you have forgotten, has a...


Israel's military has been ordered not to respond to Palestinian missile strikes. Israeli military sources said Southern Command was banned from sending ground troops into the northern Gaza Strip to halt Palestinian gunners. They said the...

UNRWA’s Tunnel Vision

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) has followed a consistent pattern over the course of more than two months now. They register complaints to the media with regard to IDF humanitarian "abuses"...

Arrest of Man for Blowing the Shofar During Prayer in the Old City in...

We ave been working on this story for the past 48 hours. The police spokespeople are saying that the shofar blower was arrested AFTER the prayers, claiming that he purposely blew the shofar in order...

Text of Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s Speech During “Victory Rally” in Beirut – September...

Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah has addressed in person a rally in Lebanon in which he stressed that the secret to the "victory" of the resistance was that it depended upon "reason, planning, organization and...