Israel Forms Panel To Examine ‘Ill Preparedness’ Will American citizens who witnessed security briefings...

It is now official. Today, the Israel Cabinet Secretary finally announced that the government of Israel has convened an official judicial panel to examine the Israeli government's "ill preparedness" before the war in Lebanon during...

Commentary: The Pope’s Statement; Questiona about Yaalon; Livni and Abbas

It seems as if the Pope has told it like it is with regard to Islam -- referring in an academic context to a propensity within this religion for violence. And see what happened:...

Israel Intelligence Prognosis for 2007: Palestinian Missile Attacks from Judea and Samaria

Israel's military expects Palestinian rocket and missile strikes from the West Bank by 2007. Military sources said the Intelligence Corps has determined that Palestinian insurgency groups would acquire sufficient technology and components to assemble missiles...


Israel has targeted Islamic charities... in an effort to block financing to Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Officials said the intelligence community has been identifying and tracking Islamic charities, known as Dawa, in the West Bank...

Commentary: The Livni-Rice Meeting and More

Foreign Minister Livni is in Washington and met with Sec. of State Rice. When a joint press conference was held, Livni made the statement that: "... stagnation is not Israel's government's policy." And there...


Hamas, Fatah and other Palestinian terrorist organizations have formed a common front to make war on the state of Israel, while orchestrating a sophisticated PR campaign throughout the world and especially in Israel to...

Commentary: the Palestinian “National Unity” Government

PA President Abbas (Fatah) and PA Prime Minister Haniyeh (Hamas) on Monday announced that Hamas and Fatah are going to be forming a national unity government The first step towards formation of this new government...

Commentary on MK Eitam’s Arab Transfer Suggestion

I would like to focus today on an issue that many will see as controversial, but which must be dealt with: MK Effie Eitam (National Union) caused a furor on Sunday when he said that...

Israel Lifts Its Blockade On Lebanon

Israel decided today to lift the sea and air blockade that has been in place on Lebanon since fighting erupted in mid-July between Hezbollah and the IDF. The decision to lift the blockade was...

When the Israeli gov’t reminds the world of the “road map”, does PM Olmert...

Israel Government meeting about the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap Jerusalem, May 25, 2003 A. The Government of Israel, today (Sunday), May 25, 2003, considered the Prime Minister's statement on the Roadmap, as well as...