Commentary on the trying times for Israel

These are serious and somber times for Israel. No question about it. And to make light of it would be foolish and shortsighted. Is the situation hopeless? Absolutely not. I was, in fact, quite irritated...

Hizbullah Prepares for Round 2

Israel has assessed that Hizbullah, prodded by Iran and Syria, is preparing to renew its war against Israel. Israeli officials said the intelligence community has tracked Hizbullah efforts to rearm in wake of the 33-day...

For Uzi Landau, the Handwriting was on the Wall A day before the current government was sworn in, on April 17, former Knesset member Uzi Landau found out he has prostate cancer. This grave news came on top of the Likud defeat in...

Rationale Used by “Peace Now” to Destroy Jewish Communities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and...

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the Israeli-Syrian conflict, play into the hands of Iran, which seeks to destroy Israel, and serve as fertile ground for expanding the opposition to Israel in the Middle East, in...

The Mideast’s Munich

HISTORIANS will look back at this weekend's cease-fire agreement in Lebanon as a pivotal moment in the war on terror. It is pivotal in the same sense that the Munich agreement between Adolf Hitler...

Commentary: Golan Next?

Internal Security Minister Avi Dichter (Kadima) caused quite a furor yesterday when he advocated withdrawing from the Golan Heights in the interests of making peace with Syria. One is tempted to ask where his head...

U.S. Military Analysts See Hizbullah Gains

Leading U.S. military analysts have determined that Hizbullah achieved major gains in its 33-day war with Israel. The analysts, including some who serve as consultants to the Defense Department, have concluded that Israel's military failed...

Ehud Olmert: Fighting for his political life

It's unprecedented during wartime to undermine your nation's unity. Nevertheless, that's exactly what Israeli PM Ehud Olmert did when he declared that the war would create "new momentum" for his divisive Realignment Plan. Now...

Commentary on Post- Cease Fire Israel Situation

The Jerusalem Post reported today that Kofi Annan is expected to recommend that the enlarged UNIFIL forces that will deploy in Lebanon will be given rules of engagement that permit opening fire on Hezbollah....

Hamas Seeks To Copy Hizbullah Atms

Israel has assessed that Hamas intends to capitalize on the success of Hizbullah's war against Israel. Israeli officials said Hamas plans to copy variants of Iranian- and Russian-origin anti-tank missiles fired by Hizbullah during the...