Norwegian Doctor, Mads Gilbert: Member Of Extremist Group

The Norwegian Doctor, Mads Gilbert, entered Gaza a number of days before the Israeli military operation began. In the course of that operation he spoke with numerous media, described himself as an "objective doctor" and...

Mahmoud Abbas: Hostile Palestinian Leader With Image of Moderation Whom Israel Must Now Contend...

With Israel's Gaza campaign against Hamas and the Israeli election in the past, Israel must now contend with its next challenge - Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority. Although Mr. Abbas has been broadly...

Syrian/Egyptian Military Deployment in Gaza?

U.S.Egypt and Syria push for deployment of Arab armies in Gaza Strip Egypt, Syria increase pressure on Hamas to seal agreement with Fatah By Akiva Eldar Haaretz Last update - 01:12 16/06/2009 Egypt and Syria have...

The Middle Eastern Cold War

There are many cracks in the Arab Street.

A cold war is "the key to understanding the Middle East in the 21st century." So argue Yigal Carmon and three of his colleagues at the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) in a recent study, "An Escalating Regional Cold War."They have identified a major confrontation that the media has somehow missed - and which is the more important for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's just having been re-designated as president of Iran.

Israel Gov’t Accuses Rights Groups Of Fraud

Jerusalem, Israel - Over the past few weeks, the Israeli government has gone on the offensive against human rights groups who have publicized allegations against Israel for many months, without any concerted Israeli response. One...

Abbas: Won’t Abandon Armed Resistance

The Fatah general conference convened this week in Bethlehem, 20 years after the previous conference that was held in Tunisia. Discussions addressed the question of whether Fatah should give up the armed struggle. Large posters...

The fate of the new “enemies” of the Iranian revolution

Another report about torture in Iran just surfaced. This time it was 19-year-old Mohammad K. who was arrested during Iran's postelection unrest and was locked up in the Kahrizak detention facility. All but two...

Errors of Omission and Commission of the Goldstone UN Gaza Mission.

In early July, Professor Elihu D Richter, head of the Genocide Prevention Program at Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine in Jerusalem, submitted a brief to Judge Richard Goldstone, chairman of...


Rhonda Spivak, an attorney and a writer, is a member of the Canadian and Israel Bar Associations. Canada advised the Palestinian Authority on January 9th, that it will be re-directing funds given to "general operatiing...

Plenty of blame to go around in Gaza

When Israel boarded another ship bound for Gaza last weekend and escorted it to an Israeli port without incident, it demonstrated to me that both sides, Israel and the activists, hold blame for the...