Former military intel chief slams Sharon’s plan

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to evacuate Jewish communities from Gaza and parts of the West Bank is a "disastrous" military move and a major victory for terrorism, Israel's former intelligence research chief...

Roundups of Jews

Our community phone message system is in operation most of the day. Notices of prayer meetings, protest gatherings, organized meetings between soldiers and settlers, births, deaths, controlled explosions, take cover’ because of Arab bombardment,...

An Award for Terror

Exit from Gaza will backfire U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice traveled to Israel last week to salvage Israel's planned pullout from Gaza. The pullout is threatened by violence from Palestinian Islamists and threats from...

Israel Knesset Controls Committee Meets and Orders Full Investigation of Eival Giladi, Prime Minister...

On Tuesday; July 26th, 2005, the Knesset Controls Committee met in special session to consider the case of Eival Giladi, the official appointed by the Israeli Prime Minister to coordinate all public policy aspects...

Israeli Troops Being Trained to Fire on Settlers

ISRAELI special forces are prepared to shoot to kill Jewish settlers if they come under fire during next month's evacuation of 22 settlements in the Gaza Strip. Members of Israel's feared Duvdevan (Cherry) commando unit,...

Is “Disengagement” the Answer?

That Jews need to be "disengaged" from the Arabs is not a new idea. In July 1937 the British issued the Palestine Royal Peel Commission that concluded: "An irrepressible conflict has arisen between two...

An Israeli government working against the interests of the Jewish People?

A colleague who researches anti-Semitism has recently objected to those who describe current Israeli government policies as reminiscent of anti-Semitic regimes of the past. The goal in writing about these issues is to inform,...

Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation Praises Terror Attack Where an Israeli Couple Was Murdered

JERUSALEM-July 24-- Voice of Palestine radio and Palestinian state television applauded Sunday morning the murder of two Israeli civilians in Gaza Saturday, calling it an act of "resistance" and "holy martyrdom" , and...

US House of Representatives Approves Restrictions on Aid to Palestinian Authority

Washington, July 21st, 2005 A bill, sponsored by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) and Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY), applying very specific controls to Palestinian aid, passed by a large margin, 330 to 100, and with wide...

Israel Military Intelligence Warns That Disengagement Would be Viewe As a Victory for Terror

On Monday, July 18th, 2005, Maj. Gen. (ret) Yaakov Amidror, outgoing head of IDF intelligence, and Col. (ret.) Shuki Rinsky, head of the IDF Gaza division, spoke at the King David Hotel Lecture Hall...