The United States Wants Cheap Oil and Democracy

Since World War II, the United States' abiding relationship with Saudi Arabia has been based on mutual interest. The United States wanted a reliable source of inexpensive oil; Saudi Arabia's rulers wanted American expertise,...

Self-Censorship in the Israeli Media To Protect PM Sharon From Too Much Criticism

"The one who set up this whole enterprise was Sharon, and if, toward the end of his life, he is inspired to remove the settlements, in my opinion we must safeguard him, not only...

Why Sharon’s Plan will NOT Come to Fruition

"What are you doing regarding planning for the day after?" That infuriating question regarding Sharon's Disengagement/Expulsion Plan is constantly being asked and repeated. There are those asking the question out of real concern for the...

During Eviction, Israel Police Would Be Allowed to Employ “Reasonable Force” Against Children

The police would be able to employ "reasonable force" and detain children under age 12 who are actively involved in disturbances in resistance activities against eviction. This was recently determined by a special inter-ministerial...

Acting Out of Faith

Unrealistic. How can I best describe the Jewish residents of Gaza? As unrealistic. Believers. How do the Jewish residents of Gaza describe themselves? As believers. The Jewish community in Gaza today is still living an unrealistic dream. For...

EU to Increase Training of Palestinian Authority Security Forces

The European Union has increased its support of Palestinian Authority security forces. The EU has established a coordinating office to support the PA police. Officials said the EU office would operate in Ramallah and coordinate...

America and Israel Attacked Harshly in Televised Palestinian Mosque Speech

The Palestinian Authority's official televised mosque speech Friday included a fiery attack on the United States accusing it and Israel of wanting to occupy and dominate the Arab world. "Our enemies want to occupy Arab...

The Current State of Peres

After years of speculation that the architects of the Sharon plan had an economic motivation up their sleeve, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres, the original architect of the Oslo process, told the AP that...

Russian Supply of Missiles to Syria

Russian Sale of Missiles to Syria TEL AVIV -- Russia said the sale of its anti-aircraft missiles to Syria would reduce Israeli air force missions over that Arab country. The Russian assessment has been shared...

2 Helicopters and 50 APCS

Next week, Russian President Vladimir Putin will land in Israel for an historic visit, while Russian involvement in the region, which has been criticized many times by Israel, continues at full speed. In the...