How the World Enabled 25 Years of Palestinian Decline One of the saddest comments I’ve ever heard was Gaza resident Ziad Ashour’s statement to the New York Times last week. Ever since the first intifada erupted in 1987, the 43-year-old butcher said, “things...

Close but no cigar: Human Rights Watch mentions launching weapons from civilian areas in... Here is what the top Palestinian NGO once wrote: "Palestinian Centre for Human Rights...Warns of the dangers caused by continued manufacturing or storage of explosive devices by Palestinian resistance groups in civilian-populated areas, which threaten...

The Palestinian Authority’s Inconvenient Truths The truth sometimes hurts; that is why the Palestinian Authority has been working hard to prevent the outside world from hearing about many occurrences that reflect negatively on its leaders or people. In recent years,...

Kfir Brigade chief: Situation on the ground changing,7340,L-4337209,00.html IDF forces dispersed a violent, illegal protest of nearly 200 Palestinians, who rioted in the village of Anin, west of the West Bank city of Jenin. The rioters huddled near the area's security fence and...

What Difference Does It Make that Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Care Why Terrorists Killed Americans... Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s remark - “What difference does it make?” - regarding how the motive of the terrorists in the attack that killed four men, including a U.S. ambassador and two former...

Education by Murder in Boston

N.B.: Text differs slightly from the Washington Times What will be the long-term impact of the Apr. 15-19 Boston Marathon attack and the ensuing action-movie-style chase, killing a total of four and wounding 265? Let's start...


The UN troops stationed along Israel’s northern borders, in the Lebanese and Syrian sectors, fear for their lives and the decision to pull them out of the region could come at any moment. Yesterday,...

Manipulating International Law as Part of Anti-Israeli “Lawfare” Vol. 13, No. 16 2 June 2013 Israel’s record of compliance with international law is remarkably strong. In a long series of decisions, the Israeli High Court has ordered the Israeli government, army, and security...

J Street’s Spin Reversed by CAMERA Op-Ed The Washington Jewish Week featured J Street, the self-described “pro-Israel, pro-peace” lobby in page one articles twice in April, published J Street opinion columns once that month and again in the May 16 edition,...

Israel’s Military Prepares For Rocket Strikes

Israel's military has been ordering equipment to defend against massive missile and rocket strikes. All of Israel's military services plan to receive equipment to defend bases and other facilities. They said much of the...