The Initial Reaction of the Egyptian Auhtorities to the Terror Attack in Taba

For quite some time after the attack, the Egyptians insisted that a bottled-gas canister had exploded, but crowds of Israeli vacationers and tourists were not willing to take a chance. Realizing that it was...

“Because of Settlers Like You!”

"If Gush Katif didn't exist we would have to invent it," said Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin when touring the Gush Katif region. "You are the first line of defense of this country," stated Prime Minister...

A Tale of Two Rallies

On Sunday, January 30th, two rallies took place in Jerusalem, both of which reflected the tragedy of Israel's policies towards the PLO. The first was held at 3:00 p.m. on Gaza Road in Rehavia, where...

People in Pain

"Do you think it is psychosomatic?" I asked the doctor. "I have a persistent cough. Yes, I had had a high fever, but now it's this cough." "Your lungs are clear" the doctor said. "Take...

Maariv attacks HaAretz Editorial for Demonizing Israel

The process of demonizing the State of Israel took a step up this week when the publisher of Ha'aretz, Amos Schocken, published an article that made grave allegations against the State of Israel. According...

Are There Orders to Open Fire On Jewish Residents During Their Eviction?

The IDF Southern Command and the IDF Operations Branch are at this time formulating special orders for opening fire for the settlement evacuation process in the Gaza Strip and Samaria. The new orders relate...

Will the PLO Terrorists Change Their Tactics of Insurgency

Palestinian insurgents in the West Bank and Gaza Strip could change their operations over the next few months. Israeli officials said military and security agencies have been preparing for the prospect that Palestinian combatants could...

Abbas Orders Release of Islamic Insurgents Wanted for Murder

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has ordered the release of Islamic insurgents accused of helping plan a February 2005 suicide bombing in Israel. PA officials said Abbas ordered the release of the insurgents held in...

US Will Respect Elections if Hamas Wins

Secretary Condoleezza Rice Brussels, Belgium June 22, 2005 SECRETARY RICE:... And, yes, we will stand with the Israelis for the principle that Israel should do nothing to try and prejudge final status. Because one way...

July 7th, 2005: A day in which London suffered the indignity of terror

In recent weeks, American, British and Israeli intelligence sources have revealed that al-Qaida units now operate in the southern section of Gaza, and are positioned to take over the area that Israel Defense Forces...