Revealed: the Special Relationship Behind America’s Middle East policy

Paul Wolfowitz, the US deputy defence secretary who was a driving force behind the invasion of Iraq, is depicted as a fiercely pro-Zionist hardliner. Philip Sherwell reveals his unlikely confidante is a high-powered Arab...

A Kerry Middle East Man: US troops to the Middle East?

Dr. Martin Indyk, who served two stints as ambassador to Israel, introduced himself to Israeli reporters who covered last week's Democratic National Convention as one of the key Middle East advisors to Democratic presidential...

Strange Twists in Syrian-Israeli Diplomacy

One of the most secretive and unusual rounds of Arab-Israeli diplomacy took place in the summer of 1998, when three private American citizens, businessman Ronald Lauder, his aide Allen Roth, and magazine publisher George...

After Arafat

When Yasir Arafat became seriously ill in late 2003, Palestinians were near panic for several days. Officials did not know how to handle the crisis. Ahmad Dudin, former Fatah leader in the Hebron region,...

PLO Takes Credit for Murdering an Israeli Judge

The spokesman for the mainstream organization of the PLO, the Fateh, confirmed that the Fateh indeed takes responsibility for last week's murder of Tel Aviv District Court Judge Adi Azar, the same judge who...

Is Israel’s Barrier/Fence/Wall No More Than a Cop-Out in the War Against the PLO?

Last September, when Israel Foreign Minister Sylvan Shalom made a toast to the foreign press and the diplomatic corps in honor of the Jewish News Year, The Israeli government minister spoke with great satisfaction...

Young Jews Turning On Israel Again?

In a continuation of a small but troubling trend that was revealed last year, young diaspora Jews again are using popular youth programs like birthright israel and college fellowships as a vehicle to volunteer...

Analysis: Arafat to Exploit Ruling for Sympathy, Control

Ever since he arrived in the Gaza Strip in 1994, Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat has been seeking to internationalize the conflict with Israel by involving as many countries as possible. His objective is...

President Katzav Visits Gush Katif

Carrying black flags, the children of Gush Katif greeted the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katsav and his wife Rachel, on their visit to Gush Katif, the Jewish area of Gaza planned for expulsion. In...

The Brains Behind The Outpost War

The issue of the outposts is stuck like a bone in the Israeli government's throat. Ariel Sharon's promise to the American administration to evacuate all the outposts that were established since he assumed office, remains...