The UN Hatefest Coming in September to New York Will this September's UN anti-racism conference in New York be yet another anti-Semitic, anti-Israel hatefest -- or will it actually work to forward human rights? Known as Durban III, the confab comes 10 years after...

Justice Goldstone’s Regrets? editorials/justice-goldstones- regrets/87285/ It will be a while before we see an op-ed piece as newsworthy - and as galling - as that in today’s Washington Post by Justice Richard Goldstone. He is the former...

Remembering the Murder of Robert Kennedy, who died on June 6th, 1968: A Tribute...

These articles by Robert F. Kennedy were published in the Boston Post after his March 1948 visit to the Middle East. He departed Palestine prior to Israel’s declaration of independence on May 14 and...

Middle Eastern Upheavals Enter Round Two The following replies to a question posed by National Review Online: "With Qaddafi vowing a win or martyrdom and Assad being urged to step down by the West, what has happened to the Arab...

Egypt, Turkey Align Against Israel

Middle East News Newsline, WASHINGTON -- For the first time, Egypt and Turkey have formed what could become an alliance against Israel, a report said. The Washington Institute for Near East Policy said two...

Hamas Marks 24th Anniversary, Says It Killed 1,365 Israelis bloomberg_articlesLW76DW0D9L35.DTL#ixzz1jZFHeEd4 Dec. 14 (Bloomberg) -- Hamas marked 24 years since its founding as an Islamic movement dedicated to fighting for Palestinian independence, while the group's armed wing said it killed 1,365 Israelis in that period. More...

Iran Seeks To Expand Influence In Gaza

MENL, Iran has been pressing to expand its presence in the Gaza Strip. Arab diplomatic sources said the Iranian leadership was urging the Hamas government of Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh to allow additional military trainers...

Nationalism, Social Justice, and Civil Rights: Palestinian Discourse on the Social Networks, April 2012 With a lack of consensus in the Palestinian camp on various issues and numerous obstacles to the two main political processes - the political process with Israel and internal Palestinian reconciliation - social network...

What the Palestinians Want The Palestinians want the US to endorse all their demands and force Israel to give them everything. Palestinians are reminded almost every day that the US, which has been providing them with billions of...

At the Knesset tomorrow: How Will British Jewry Cope with UK Protected Hamas in... On Tuesday, the Knesset sub-committee on “Ties with the Jewish World” chaired by MK Einat Wilf will convene at 1PM at the Knesset to discuss the current anti-Israel climate in the UK, in the...