Blair, the Palestinians’ Friend

British Prime Minister Tony Blair is an enthusiastic supporter of the Palestinians. Moreover, in order to repel the criticism aired against him from within his own party ranks about his too cozy relationship with...

Waqf Minister Warns of Deforming Occupied Jerusalem

With thanks to for providing this important press release. Waqf Minister Warns of Deforming Occupied Jerusalem GAZA, Palestine, March21, 2005 (IPC Exclusive)--Palestinian Minister of Waqf and Religious Affairs, Yousef Salama, warned on Sunday of frequent...

When World Leaders Forget that the US Congress Must Foot the Bill

While the Bush-Sharon Summit focused on mutual threats (e.g. Iran and Islamic terrorism), it has highlighted a few basic misunderstandings - in Israel - concerning the US political system, US-Israel relations and Disengagement. For example,...

Israeli Troops Being Trained to Fire on Settlers

ISRAELI special forces are prepared to shoot to kill Jewish settlers if they come under fire during next month's evacuation of 22 settlements in the Gaza Strip. Members of Israel's feared Duvdevan (Cherry) commando unit,...

Deep Concern Over Sharon Aide Weisglass Saying 60,000 Jews Will Be Uprooted From Judea...

New York - The ZOA has expressed deep concern that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's top aide, Dov Weisglass, said last week that "Israel could eventually expect that at least 180,000 of the current 240,000...

A “Kadima USA” Policy Statement – June 5th, 2006

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert makes his first state visit to the United States, it is time for Jews around the world to firmly support his efforts to set defensible borders for the State...

Hamas Strikes Military Position in Israel

For the first time since the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005, Palestinian insurgents from the Gaza Strip have struck a military position in the Jewish state. On Sunday, Hamas and the aligned Popular...

UN Resolution 1701: Analysis

The essence: A ceasefire is called for that requires Hezbollah to cease all hostilities and Israel to cease offensive attacks. The Lebanese army is to send 15,000 troops into southern Lebanon; the Lebanese are to...

Rockets and Abductions Planned by Palestinians

The Fatah movement led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas continues efforts to assemble rockets in the West Bank. Israel's military has found a Fatah explosives laboratory and two rockets in the West Bank city...

Perpsective on Negotiations to Release Convicts

None of this has been confirmed yet -- the word is coming via reports from Arab papers. In one version PA President Mahmoud Abbas provided details for a newspaper in Bahrain, El-Halij. Another version...