Perspective on Sharon’s Military Victory over the Palestinian Liberation Army

Jews, by their nature and their heritage, cannot bring themselves to say that they have "only" suffered a few hundred losses during a time of war. Jewish tradition has it that murdering even one...

Mohammed a-Dura Did Not Die From IDF Gunfire

-- An investigative report by the ARD German television concludes that Mohammed a-Dura, the 12-year-old boy from Gaza who was killed at the beginning of the Intifada and whose picture was broadcast around the...

The Saudi Media Libel Against Jews

You have to rub your eyes and read it two and three times to believe that the Al-Riyadh newspaper, where every word undergoes the inspection of the Saudi royal house with a magnifying glass,...

Israeli-Palestinian Ceasefire and Security plan, Proposed by CIA Director George Tenet, Which Took Effect...

The US Embassy in Tel Aviv has written to Israel Resource that the US has never published the Tenet plan, which has been widely discussed as the basis of current negotiations between Israel and...

Ramallah as a Center of Terror: Background Information

Ramallah is located on a major crossroads in the West Bank, with a commanding view of its surroundings, ensuring a continuity of population from the city of Jerusalem northwards. The Ramallah area is composed of...

Have Jews from Around the World Abandoned Israel

Jerusalem Down the Winding streets of this storied capital city, they sit in cafes and restaurants, talking and sipping coffee and trying to escape the angel of death that is just around the corner. Seething...

Has UNRWA allowed their Refugee Camps to Become the Host of Terror Activity?

Israel Minister of Defence and newly-elected Labor Party leader Binyamin Ben Eliezer has been declaring that the Arab refugee camps represent a haven for killers, and a threat to the security of all Israeli...

A Wound for Life: My Son Caught in the Line of Fire at his...

You might want to sit down before you read this. Gilad's school/"Mechinah" program in Atzmona in the Gush Katif (Gaza) area was attacked Thursday night at approx. 11.30 p.m. A lone terrorist came into the...

Israeli Press Analyis of the Terror Attack on Israel’s Northern Road

Terror Returns to the Galilee Ma'ariv (p. 2) by Avi Ashkenazi et al. -- Terror returned to the Galilee. As a result of shots from an ambush near Kibbutz Metzuba, six Israelis were killed, including...

State Department Won’t Name Palestinian Killers Of Americans

American Jewish activists accuse the U.S. State Department of having a double standard when it comes to publicly naming the Palestinians terrorists who have killed American citizens in Israel. The State Department has decided...