The PA – Iraqi Axis
Between closure and curfew, between terror attack and IDF retaliation, in the midst of their social and economic misery, the Palestinians are finding time to protest against the war in Iraq and to show...
The US Religious Worker Visa Scam
Call it the Radical Muslim Cleric Importation Plan. Under the religious worker visa ("R visa") program, an unknown number of Middle Easterners claiming to be imams or other mosque employees have been admitted to...
“In the Next Few Weeks, an Earthquake Will Take Place”
Question: Are the Americans deployed in the Gulf with sufficient forces to enable them to land a crushing blow on Iraq already?
"So it seems. They are capable. When the command is given."
Question: So you...
News Investigations of Americans for Peace Now, the Courage to Refuse campaign and Israeli...
1. Shalom Achshav: Malshin Achshav
Over the past month, the Americans for Peace Now have been conducting an unprecedented campaign for a Jewish organization, and a member of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish...
The “Patriots” Have Landed: Israel Prepares for War
Picnicking at Missile Launching Site
Yedioth Ahronoth (p. 5) by Zvi Alush -- The IDF testing site in southern Israel, from which a number of Patriot missiles were successfully test-fired as part of a joint...
“I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon’s death… ...
I do not know how to break the news of Ilan Ramon's death and the Space Shuttle crash to my five-year-old son, Gilad. Like all Israeli school children, Ilan had become his hero.
Sixteen days...
In an Emergency Government, We’ll Sit With Haredim
Shinui Chairman MK Tommy Lapid will meet with Labor Party Chairman Amram Mitzna, who phoned him yesterday and asked to speak to him about the election results. Lapid said at the opening of the...
Palestinian Arab Reaction to the Israeli Elections
Palestinians: "Now we will continue the intifada"
The Palestinian Arabs were dealt a serious disappointment this week. Their efforts to affect the Israeli political map failed once again.
In the past months they openly supported Amram...
Ariel Sharon, Amram Mitzne and Yose Beillin won the Israeli Election. Natan Scharansky, Yose...
There were multiple winners of the Israeli elections and there were multiple losers of the Israeli elections.
The winners were Ariel Sharon, Amram Mitzne and Yose Beillin.
Sharon wanted to double the strength of the Likud...
Will Sharon’s Vision for a National Unity Government be based on the “Bush Vision”?
The new Israeli government's underlying principles will include the "Bush vision" for peace between Israel and the Palestinians and the founding of a Palestinian state.
This is one of the main points of Prime Minister...