Will Iraq Aim its Missiles at Incoming Flights to Ben Gurion Airport in Israel?

Israel is concerned that Iraq may attempt to strike civil aviation at Ben-Gurion International Airport as part of its response to a U.S.-led offensive to oust Saddam Hussein. Western intelligence analysts also say that Iraq...

A Train in Poland Where the Passengers Would Not Get Off

My grandfather, of blessed memory, was an underground fighter, a partisan, in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II. One of the main objectives of the partisans was the destruction of eastbound train tracks in...

Evacuating Ramat Gan Residents During the War?

Officials in the Ramat Gan municipality tried yesterday to maintain secrecy regarding the exact site to which the residents of the city would be evacuated in the event of a missile attack on Israel. However,...

“Keep a Low Profile on Iraq”

The United States asked Israel to "keep a low profile" about Iraq for fear that statements by senior Israeli officials could sabotage its efforts to obtain international support in the coming war. The Americans said...

PA Democracy in Action: Palestine Legislative Council Meets… And PA Security Services Round Up...

A side show to the middle east international news attention this week that was focused on Saddam Hussein was provided at the meeting of the Palestinian Legislative Council at the private office compound of...

Official PA media call for renewed Attacks Against Israel Only One Day After Arafat’s...

Barely one day after Yasser Arafat supposedly called for ending terror attacks on Israeli civilians, his official Palestinian television station broadcast ten minutes of films calling expressly for attacking the Israeli "enemy." The films which...

Fatah adopts new strategy – denies approved draft of call to halt attacks

12 September 2002 The Fatah faction, President Yasser Arafat's movement, denied last Tuesday that it had approved a draft document calling for a halt to attacks on Israeli civilians which was published in full in...

U.S. Drug Ring Tied to Aid for Hezbollah

WASHINGTON, September 2 (AP) Federal investigators say an illegal drug operation in the Midwest, run by men of Middle Eastern descent, funneled proceeds to Middle East terrorist groups like Hezbollah. Since the ring was smashed...

Rosh Hashanah: A Newsman’s Perspective

This is a year which began as I scrambled to get on a plane back to Israel in time for Rosh HaShanah, after being stuck in New York at the time of the September...

Former Prisoner of Zion Ida Nudel Appeals to the Vatican ambassador to Save Palestinian...

Ex-Soviet dissident tries to save accused Palestinian spy By The Associated Press Former Soviet dissident Ida Nudel, who survived four years of Siberian exile and waged a 16-year fight to reach Israel, embarked Wednesday on a...